Red Flags and Dating Deception: Catching Liars, Cheaters and Oddballs

Red Flags and Dating Deception: Catching Liars, Cheaters and Oddballs

Be careful who you trust and take your time getting to know someone
In a perfect world we all want to believe that whoever we talk to is an honest and decent person. But in today's real and virtual and worlds, you must guard against trusting the untrustworthy and giving away your love under circumstances that could come back to haunt you.

Exercise caution and proceed slowly. What do you really know about this person? How can you be sure? Any suitor must earn your trust gradually, through consistently honorable, forthright behavior. Don't give it away for the asking -- and you will be asked. As an added precaution, make sure you set up a secondary email account, to be used just for this relationship, which you can shut down should things seem not right.

Your instincts are right 99% of the time. Trust yourself. Go with your instincts, even when they can't be logically explained. When something feels wrong, it generally is. When someone appears untrustworthy, they usually are.

There are pathological liars everywhere. DON'T believe everything you hear.

Watch for Red Flags and Odd behavior Exhibited by Your Date
You are a smart can spot the unscrupulous and deceitful jerks. They betray themselves with inconsistency and unexplainable behavior.

Be responsible and trustworthy yourself Some say that the lines between honesty, exaggeration and deception have blurred, especially in print personals and online dating. Is it a crime to represent yourself as a few years younger, especially when your friends frequently comment that you don't look your age? Has thinning hair become a euphemism for bald? If we want to hear the truth, we must start by telling the truth, even when it isn't easy or advantageous. And we must conduct ourselves and our romances in a responsible manner. Don't fall in love at the click of a mouse. Don't become prematurely intimate with someone, even if that intimacy only occurs online. Live by standards of honesty and decency. Let the buck stop with you.

Older Men Dating Younger Women
Ten years younger is OK (provided you have some sort of personality and are not a teenager), but we are wary of you-if you marry us, you might leave when we get older for a younger woman who can have babies. If you look more than ten years older than we do, we may not find you attractive, especially if we have managed to stay looking younger than our age. If we can mate with a male who is our age-we will do it. A significant age difference can bring problems from the start of the relationship that never end. Women are more aware of the problems as they hit their 30's and 40's and see the health problems striking male family members in their 50's and 60's. And a woman experiencing this in her own family will think twice before looking at dating or marry men with potential medical issues.
Usually men looking for a younger woman, look for women ten years younger than they are, and women look for men five years younger to five years older. If you are ten years older than we are and don't look it, that's all that matters. No, you don't have to lie about your age. Women live longer and healthier lives at older ages than men. We are living in the sandwich generation, and now that women are exposed to seeing their mother and grandmother taking care of their ill spouse, we think about having to take care of someone older than us...which can stop many romances over 10 years age difference after a few dates. On the other hand, if you have other bargaining points, money, status, height, a vocabulary, the ability to dance, we may be willing to date you despite how old you are. The date within 3-5 years of their age. You see very few singles dating someone more than 5 years older/younger. Unless you are a celebrity or very rich willing to date a gold digger......stick to singles closer to your age.
This is not to say that if you have a disability or a health problem you won't be desirable, it is just one of many factors that someone looks at. Remember, your date is constantly "interviewing" or qualifying you......just some of the list of strong points a date looks for are: 1. financial stability/low or no debt, 2. physically fit, 3. good conversationalist/aware of what is going on in the world around him/her 4. strong/healthy, 5. treat others with kindness and love, 6. goal oriented/stable career with growth, etc.
More Red Flags as you get past the First Date:
Chronic Lateness. For clarity, "chronic" here means "three dates in a row." But three in a row is a pattern, and what the pattern says is: I don't want to get into this. So neither do you. Dump them and move on. You want someone who respects you and your time.

Rudeness and Impatience with Service Help: Waiters and waitresses, taxi drivers, housekeepers, etc. If your date doesn't treat them with kindness and respect, they won't treat you well either.

Scary Divorce or Relationship Breakup Stories. Does your date tell you the entire messy story with all the dirty details by the second date. Admits to Cheating on an Ex Once a cheat, always a cheat.

Deep Attachment Pets Pet owners that talk to their cats or dogs in baby talk, allow their pets on the couch or bed (just unclean and disgusting), talk to their dogs in front of you like a family member have attachment issues. The pet will always come first......Run.

Short Relationship Histories Anyone that is over 35 that has never had a relationship over 3 months has commitment issues and most likely won't be able to commit to you.

Evil Children. Children with behavior and anger issues, don't mind the parent you are dating or show outright hatred towards you. Head for the door.

Money Matters. If a man suggests splitting the tab on a first date, the woman should pay-then bolt. I don't say this is fair, especially if, for instance, the woman is in management and the man is in a lower end job. But it's the way it is, and any man who tries to worm out of his society-given role as tab-picker-upper on the first (or second or third) date for the sake of saving a few bucks is a creep to be ditched.

Dirty Clothing, Underwear and Socks. Clothing must be clean.

Odd or Gross Eating Habits Ketchup On Eggs. Ordering odd dishes every time you are out at a restaurant.

Destructive Habits Does the guy/gal drink too much, chain smoke, or use drugs? "Normally self-destructive people do not limit their damaging behavior to themselves

Truth About Deception Information about lying, deception, cheating, dating, love and romance. Free relationship advice and quizzes.

I think everything they said about older men dating younger women goes for older women dating younger men too.

Gosh, this is depressing information! It almost makes me want to not date.


Wow! That makes me really think about someone I know now...I can pick out about 5 of these right now.:eek:
Who wrote this utter horseshit!?

For fuck's sake, NJ. You are clever than this babble. "Remember, your date is constantly "interviewing" or qualifying you" - well he can fuck off then. And as for this "pets on the bed is just disgusting" that's only true if the person has a dirty pet.

The age stuff annoys me too, and not just because I'm in a relationship with an age difference but generally - because it is so fucking judgemental. There is no room at all for individual personality, taste or anything of the kind.

In fact, the whole article is so fucking judgemental. Yes, people should be careful when they date 'strangers' - the separate email account thing is a good idea for example. But the draconian rules of not dating people with 'evil' kids, age restrictions, dumping the guy who doesn't pay, late 3 times and you're dumped. It is all bullshit. Anyone attempting to date by rules of any kind, especially arbitrary and stupid ones like these, is asking to remain single. Oh, and people who would sail past all of those restrictions can still turn out to be nasty assholes.

I have one rule when it comes to people - friends or 'romantic' 'cause I can't get romantic with someone I couldn't be friends with - and that is take people as I find them, by which I mean treat every single person as an individual.
people who feel the need to live by these trite articles instead of their own common sense probably shouldn't date at all.
Any suitor must earn your trust gradually, through consistently honorable, forthright behavior.
This is so subjective. Every single person has a different idea of what constitutes trustworthy behaviour and what doesn't. The 'threshold' that someone must meet to attain ones' trust, is entirely up to the person who chooses to trust in someone else or not.

DON'T believe everything you hear.
Okay, but I'll believe your fearmongering, Mrs. Author. Baa, baa. :rolleyes:

you can spot the unscrupulous and deceitful jerks.
Again, the author is stating that everyone who is deceitful is a jerk. Not true.
Is it a crime to represent yourself as a few years younger, especially when your friends frequently comment that you don't look your age?
No, but if one looks younger than their age anyway it's a little contradictory to use an older picture in the first place.
If one used an older picture to advertise themselves, it's usually for the opposite reason of looking not so good for their age.
If she means submitting a younger age, then it still removes the prestige of looking good for ones' age because the real age is denied.

I have no idea what logic the author is searching for with that comment.
If we want to hear the truth, we must start by telling the truth
No, we don't. It differs for every person. More of the same.

Don't fall in love at the click of a mouse.
I did, and it's been enormously beneficial for me and reaped plentiful rewards. I'm far from the only one, either.

Don't become prematurely intimate with someone, even if that intimacy only occurs online.
I did, and it's been enormously beneficial for me and reaped plentiful rewards. I'm far from the only one, either. :rolleyes:

Live by standards of honesty and decency.
This takes the mother fucking cake.

Firstly, as before with trust, each persons' standard is decided entirely by their own choosing, as is their commitment to live by them or not.

Secondly, the previous three sentences are clearly implying that 'falling in love at the click of a mouse' and becoming 'prematurely intimate' are not honest or decent. I shouldn't need to explain why I'm making this point as it's nothing new anymore. The author is forcing her own morals onto others.

, after doing those two oh so immoral, dishonest and indecent things, I found my soulmate, fell in love and currently live a happier life than I not only ever expected, but never even hoped for.

Ten years younger is OK
Oh, is it? Thanks for the news flash, I'm going to stay away from those ancient mother fuckers that dare to be more than 10 years older than me.

Probably every single day we get a thread asking 'what do people think of X?', and without fail, we always get several different opinions, several different answers.
Yet, even with those examples not 5 mouse clicks away on this very site, someone psots a sweepign statement based solely on their own experience, their own standards, their opwn morals, their own ethics, their own boundaries- and expect's people to take them on as their own.

and are not a teenager
I'm a teenager. I'm in a long-term, respectful, honest relationship. I'm leaving behind almost everything I've ever known, ever loved and ever experienced to go and live with my partner. I'm responsible.
but we are wary of you-if you marry us, you might leave when we get older for a younger woman who can have babies.
You might leave him for someone who doesn't suffer from erectile dysfunction. Credibility and trustworthiness is not decided on gender, nor should it be decided on the author's word.
If you look more than ten years older than we do, we may not find you attractive,
Ah, we have the truth about the previous '10 years' comment. Women deserve an attractive man, not an old or ugly one. I see.
I hope you never look 10 years older than men you date then...

especially if we have managed to stay looking younger than our age.
Ah, now I get it. You ladies spend so much time and effort staying pretty and attractive, expecting men to not put forth the same effort into their appearance as you all do so you can stop him running off with a younger woman.

But, if he doesn't keep himself trim why would a younger woman become interested in him if he looks more than 10 years older than she?
The law of the author's word states that a woman would not be interested and will not date a man who either is, or looks like he is, 10 years older than her.
If we can mate with a male who is our age-we will do it.
Is this article about dating or mating. Unless you're pronatalist, I hope you can make the chasmic distinction.
The irrelevancy of age in a genuine relationship further highlights the author's ignorance.
If you are ten years older than we are and don't look it, that's all that matters.
The author is much shallower than she'd like to think.

This whole thing is just recycling crap.

1. Author makes a generalisation.
2. Author justifies generalisation with own personal opinion.
3. Author demands that their view is absolute.
4. Author subtley chastises those who dare to disagree.
5. Author repeats step 1.

On the other hand, if you have other bargaining points, money, status, height, a vocabulary, the ability to dance, we may be willing to date you despite how old you are.
Earlier the author freely admit that age didn't amtter as long as the man looked good. Now, they further amplify their materialism by stating how these things can overwrite the disgust of dating someone much older, too.
I'm struggling to keep on replying simply out of disbelief and repulsion at this piece.
The date within 3-5 years of their age.
Liar. That's the reality as you choose to see it. It's incorrect.
Real people who haven't been brainswashed don't give a shit because they're not ignorant enough to think that age matters so much. At least I hope so, I do have doubt the more of these cringeworthy articles I read.
You see very few singles dating someone more than 5 years older/younger.
Liar. That's the reality as you choose to see it. It's incorrect. See above.

Unless you are a celebrity or very rich willing to date a gold digger......stick to singles closer to your age.
Why? Explain why. Don't attempt to force your own insecure and self-righteous opinions on others without explanation and justification.
Has anyone noticed the pattern yet? Oy.

Remember, your date is constantly "interviewing" or qualifying you
I doubt it. Unless they're following your 'advice'.
Red flag right there.

1. financial stability/low or no debt, 2. physically fit, 3. good conversationalist/aware of what is going on in the world around him/her 4. strong/healthy, 5. treat others with kindness and love, 6. goal oriented/stable career with growth, etc.
I don't even know what to say to that. Letting everyone read it themselves should prove my point.

I refuse to comment on the remain segments of this article, partly because of the character limit on LPSG posts, but mostly because it's so infuriatingly embarrassing to the author and to those who believe what she writes.
I'm sick of repeating myself to point out the flaws in this dirt. I'm a little ashamed I even bothered to make this post, considering the content of which I'm contending with.

To summarise:

This is such a huge load of fucking bullshit.
More than that, it's pathetic, fearmongering, lying, amoral, presumptious, female chauvinistic trash.

This article isn't advising or aiding someone who wants to date. It's not helping somone define their own boundaries. It doesn't justify the sweeping statements based solely upon the bias of a likely spurned author.

This article is telling people what to do, what to think and how to act.
It doesn't teach safety, morality, standards or ethics - it teaches obedience. By getting the masses to be blindly obedient to a set of universal standards, you remove their individuality and their ability to make their own decision based on whatever standards their own life has led them to possess.

Everyone has an opinion, everyone has the right to share their opinion. It crosses the line when someone claims that their opinion is right and that it has to be this way. That's what this 'article' (and I use that term loosely) tries to do.

There's a rather famous book which does that too, and look at the problems that has caused over the past 2000 years.
You may think I'm being overly contrarian, but I think if most people actually step back and look at what this article is trying to do, they will know exactly why I make the parallel to the Bible.

Articles like this are dangerous.

For the record, my anger and impatience with this article and the author are not because of the relationship I myself am in with an older woman. I would not only react this same way if I was not in the relationship I am, but also if the gender roles were reversed. Unfortunately, women can get away with this kind of thing a lot easier than men can.
That was a pretty ridiculous read.

I put ketchup on my scrambled eggs. Obviously I'm a weirdo who should be avoided at all costs!
you say its depressing and almost makesyou not want to date, well, just ignore this cause its rubbish, and then you wont be depressed, and we wont have to read it.
I think it is up to the reader to take what he or she can and leave the rest. Not all applies to everyone. THere are always exceptions to every rule.

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