Sex Quest...Langkawi: Part 4 OF 5.

These Langkawi episodes were written for Teasing Temptress, who offered her photos as inspiration to me, and illustration to you. Enjoy them.

4. The night is dark already now. The sun has dropped below the western horizon, and away to the east, the glow of the rising full moon darkens the silhouetted palm trees. The sea glistens in the distance along the beach, and the gentle rhythm of the waves lulls us in our joining. From below we can hear the soft moans of the young lovers, as the girlfriend noisily sucks her boy, hoping to bring him back into action.

I wrap my arms around you. I can barely see you now, with just the last faint glow of the sunset disappearing below the horizon, and the first silvery light of the full moon hardly penetrating the dense foliage of the palm trees. The cicadas sing rhythmically in a tingling chorus, the fan swirls above us, and now that the light has faded, the sounds of the night, birds, a distant dog barking, the young lovers on the beach below our balcony, all seem magnified by the intensity of our ecstasy.

You reach down and clasp my rigid cock in your hand, making a tunnel of your fingers, stroking me as though your hand was your yoni, squeezing and releasing, gently stroking up around the flared rim of my full mushroom head.

“How did you learn to control your yoni muscles like that,” I ask, “That’s amazing. I haven’t met many women who have your skill. You nearly made me come, way too soon…”
“I dunno. I just read about it, exercising my PC muscles, when I pee, stopping the flow and letting it go again. I do it every day, just to keep my muscles in good shape. I love the way you reacted to that. How did you learn to control your cock muscles?”

“Same thing,” I reply, “read about it somewhere, just practiced it, and do it every day, anytime, not just when I’m doing a piss. Anyway, come here, enough talk, kiss me again, babe, oh lick me, suck me, kiss me here on the side of my neck….”

I draw you to me, and we kiss again, lips soft at first, but my need to be inside you is overpowering me now, and your hand around my rigid erection is too much.

“Come and sit on me,” I say, and lift you up, so that now you’re facing me in the warm dark room, and your long hair swings forward, brushing my chest, tenderly brushing my nipples.
Your legs are either side of me, wrapped round me, and I hold you up, so that I can let you sink down onto me, the plump wet lips of your sweet ripe yoni hungry for me again. Already you are beginning to contract and relax your inner muscles, and it feels as though your yoni is a soft wet mouth, sucking at my ripe plum head. In the dark I cannot see you now, cannot see the movement of your breasts against my chest, cannot see where your hands will touch me next, only feel your fingers exploring me, squeezing my nipples, thrusting gently into my ears, while you run your tongue down the side of my neck, into the corner above the collar bone.

“Oh god yeeees,” I sigh, “Suck me there, suck my neck, let me feel your tongue, hard, suck me suck me, I don’t care who sees the lovebite, babe, just do it….please…..”

And as I beg you to suck me, you dig your tongue into my neck, clamp down with your teeth too, and a great burst of orgasmic flame burns through my neck, back and belly.
“Oh god don’t stop,” I sigh.

And now I let you down, right down onto my curved cock, driving you down onto me, plunging my length up into you again and again. And I hold your buttocks in my hands, pushing you and pulling you along my thighs which are slippery with your wetness, so that my hard cock stirs you within, sweeping backwards and forwards across the roof of your yoni, stirring you belly inside, churning you with my need. And again you feel the pulsations taking over, surging through your belly as orgasm after orgasm ripples through you.

“Oh honey, come with me, come inside me, I want to feel you bursting into me,” you whisper.
“Soon, babe, soon, not just yet, not just yet.”

But I feel my own urgency rising, the sensations building like electricity fizzing in my groin, surging down through my belly, and my flared head is becoming fuller and even more aroused by the tug of your yoni lips, by the pulsing of your yoni, by the swirling waves of wetness oozing from you as your orgasms build and burst, like the waves lapping the beach outside. And now you are determined that you will make me burst inside you, and you move faster and faster, grinding down onto my cock, rocking back and forth on my slippery thighs, and I’m kissing you, biting your neck, your earlobes, thrusting my tongue into your mouth, and then I stop. Still.

“What are you doing, don’t stop, don’t stop honey…” you moan.

“Wait, wait, wait….just a moment, I want you to try something different. Put your mouth over my mouth and breathe out. I’ll breathe in at the same time, and when I breathe out, you breathe in. Don’t breathe through your nose at all, until you feel you really have to. It’s ‘sharing the breath’, just try it, it’s amazing.”

Slowly you place your lips over mine. It’s awkward at first, till we find the right angle for our mouths to lock together, but then we get into the rhythm of it, I breathe in your breath, then you breathe in mine. And there is a sudden rush of energy through us, blazing through our bellies as I drive back into you, up and up and up, and you squirm as you gasp for breath and the intensity of the energy bursts through us as we breathe.

And suddenly you let out a huge deep roaring groan, like no sound you’ve ever made before as the sheer force of your orgasm surges up through your entire body, shivering up your spine and shaking you like an earthquake, and as your climax bursts around you, your yoni spasms so rapidly, so fiercely that I simply cannot resist you, I cannot hold back, I surrender to your flow, and your rhythm, and the unstoppable energy of our climax.

And I burst inside you, thrusting up into you hard , fast and wild, my orgasm gushing forth in a hot stream, searing through my lingam, torrential fireworks, which you feel piercing your very heart like liquid fire, filling you, pouring into your being. And the wave of it blazes up my spine, shuddering and shaking,……….


We are panting, groaning, sighing, gasping, melting into the deep dark ocean of our bliss, every nerve end seemingly ablaze, glowing in the darkness of the night

Everything merges and melts into one vibrating sea of shimmering light, the jasmine, the frangipani, the bed , the room, the waves on the beach, the moonlight, the palm trees outside our balcony, the sounds of the cicadas, the waves on the beach, the breeze through the palm leaves. Everything dissolves, dissolves, settles, sighing into the warmth of silence, curled up now, tucked into each other in the sweet afterglow.....


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