skinny dip!

Went for a jog this morning and return to my friend's house, staying here for a bit, on work assignment.

He has a pool in his backyard and I couldn't resist going for a swim. And...couldn't resist going in naked!

I thought about a housemom home for the day, looking over to see me naked, sweaty before I jumped into the pool...mmm, and she comes over for a closer look and we end up having a hot fuck fest in a lounge chair!

Or, getting back to the pool with a hot cocked friend, both of us horny and sweaty. Go for a swim, then can't stand it and end up stroking our cocks on a lounge chair, straddling it, cockhead to cockhead!


I HAVE A POOL... am a housemom (?) and would die if I could look over my fence to see a hottie (or 2) swimming naked in their pool next door. You better believe you'd get an invite to try out my pool... :)

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