Small Penis Campaign Saves Lves

Courtesy of George Atkinson

[FONT=Verdana,]The NSW Roads and Traffic Authority in Australia have declared their latest anti-speeding television campaign as one of the most successful ever. The advertisement in question - Speeding. No one thinks big of you - featured a bevy of unimpressed women waggling their little fingers while young men executed a bunch of dumbass testosterone-fuelled antics in their cars. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana,]The little-finger-waggle has become the universal gesture for an undersized willy, so the ads are not so subtly suggesting that if you drive too fast you must have a little bitty one. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana,]And lo and behold, the campaign has been declared an outstanding success. The latest Roads and Traffic Authority research found that three-quarters of people believed the campaign increased community awareness about speeding and 61 percent of young males surveyed for the research believed the campaign had the power to make them think about their own driving behavior. [/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana,]Perhaps most interestingly, it seems that the campaign is now being reflected in real-life. "Young people are re-enacting the gesture demonstrated in the $1.9 million campaign", said Roads and Traffic Authority supremo Eric Roozendaal. "Wiggling your pinkie has cut through to that crucial age group of young drivers - they're using it as a way to slow their mates down and stop them acting recklessly on our roads. This campaign is about saving lives - not pride. If it dents a few egos but helps save a life, then it's worth it," he told the Sydney Morning Herald.[/FONT]

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