That plastic bottle

Everyone I'm sure has seen that bottle on the road that has been run over, squashed, top popped off. Whatever contents inside were squeezed out. No one seems to notice or care and they continue to run over it. Does that bottle mean anything to them, should they care? Probably not...That's me....just my current state of mind...Oh forgot to say stay far away from me I'm radioactive. You may end up with three of something.....


Honey, those plastic bottles are taken to the recycling bins and are pushed and pulled apart, melted down and shaped into something even more beautiful and useful...

You are halfway there......
your hunny would just have more of you to love but if you do grow another post that bad boy im selling tickets!
wonbyone;bt33765 said:
your hunny would just have more of you to love but if you do grow another post that bad boy im selling tickets!

:biglaugh::biglaugh::biglaugh: hahhaa..... That would definitely be a site to see, girl LOL... (would I get a percentage of the take?) :wink:

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