The best diet!

Now i am a slender guy, always have been, and i have always been fascinated by dieting and nutrition. And i have frequently picked up little tricks that those that want to loose weight may want to follow.

Personally, and before this seemed like a load of rubbish to me, but the mind is the best tool for wanting and getting somewhere. Now of course i am not saying that you just have to think about being slim, and you will become it, i am saying that your mind has a very important role in dieting.

Now i don't want to babble on and on about my theories, so i want you to get on with it.

If you do decide that you want to loose a drastic amount of weight don't lunge straight into it, as this can cause quite severe health problems. Try to avoid eating 'white foods' like white potatoes, white rice, refined sugar, white flour, etc. As these are commonly high in starch which is metabolised by the body directly into fat. Instead go for whole- grain options.

Drink lots and lots of water. Just keep on drinking it whenever you can really. It will help prevent you from nibbling on those few chunks of chocolate. Take your 5-a day. Try to get a different coloured fruit/vegetable for each portion, as this normally prevails the fact that a different vitamin is present.

Also, and this is something dieter's usually get wrong. Consume at least 1000 calories a day no matter What. You may inadvertantly slow down your metabolism, causing you to gain weight.

Before doing a cardiovascular activity such as running, try to do something like weight-lifting, crunches, push-ups, sit-ups etc.

And if you find my advice helpful please state, and if you do have any queries or questions feel free to pm me or comment


Me, too. That is to say, I'm also 'a slender guy' who works out to build, and to maintain, my body. You offer some good advice for people to follow, especially about doing cardiovascular exercise following some kind of resistance training (which is a whole other topic).

For various reasons having to do with the 'Krebs cycle,' that seems to have the most positive effect on fat loss than doing cardio by itself. And better still than simply doing half-an-hour of cardio at a steady pace, as many so-called 'experts' recommend (after you've done no more than 45 minutes to an hour of resistance training, again for complicated 'hormonal' reasons), is to do 'interval training' of as many minutes of all-out cardio work as you safely can stand, alternating with similar periods of low to moderate work.

The one exception to that is if you are able to do an additional cardio workout first thing in the morning. Then, you should do the same interval training on an ‘empty’ stomach; i.e., without eating solid food (again because of the 'Krebs cycle'), though it helps if you do drink coffee first (caffeine is a 'thermogenic,' i.e., 'fat-burning,' agent). You can also do these additional, morning cardio workouts on alternate days when you don’t do the combination resistance/cardio training.

If your goal is to maximise fat loss, it's also a good idea to eat many smaller meals throughout the day than three large ones. That helps keep your metabolism up, so you avoid spikes of insulin (yet another 'hormonal' reaction it's best, for many reasons, to avoid, but which, in general, just adds fat). Still, always wait to work out at least two hours after you’ve eaten anything. And, it’s been determined (again for complicated 'hormonal' reasons), the best time of day to work out is late afternoon.

Good blog entry, Alexanddan. BTW, you can 'delete altogether' your duplicate 'Main' entry, by using the 'edit' function. Cheers!

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