The Dating Game

I think I have finally figured out why I have problems with the dating game. I'm playing by an antiquated set of dating rules. I know, I know everybody says they are tired of game playing; but they really aren't. They just changed what game is apropros. Me, I'm a Scattergories, Parcheesi, Monopoly kind of gal. The rest of the world is playing World of Warcraft.

Men and women, from adolesence, to over 50 seem to be enamored of RPG's - Role Playing Games. I think this carries over into their real life relationships. Now before you avid gamers freak out, I am not saying that you can't tell the game from reality. :rolleyes: I don't think gamers are nuts nor do I begrudge you this or any other form of relaxation & entertainment. I just think that it has become increasingly easy for some people to slip on a persona which is not their own. I wouldn't be surprised to find out that there is a link between the type of person that lies in an online dating profile, posts fake pictures here or elsewhere, photoshops their profile or gallery pictures and plays RPG's.

EUREKA! All I have to do is find a man that is happy with himself and doesn't feel the need to pretend to be something he isn't. That should be easy! :rolleyes::cool: NOT! :frown1:


Dahlin, it sounds like you need to invest in a Playstation, Wii or Xbox 360. From personal experience, I recommend the Wii :tongue::biggrin1:
Some of us are actually playing FPS games. Get with the program, nj!

Sorry Guy-jin, I didn't mean to leave out you Halo3 and Doom players. :tongue: Especially since y'all are so violent you might kill me. :biggrin1::eek:
I have always found love in the same way I find my car keys - I stop looking and sooner or later it turns up.

I suppose that is just about fuck all help though, isn't it?
Posted by ManlyBanisters

I have always found love in the same way I find my car keys - I stop looking and sooner or later it turns up.

I suppose that is just about fuck all help though, isn't it?

Pretty Much. :tongue::smile:
You're right, but TF2 is like a somehow even better version of TFC. And that's what makes it speshul.
I think you've got something here. Even apart from all that techno stuff it does seem like most of the world is acting most of the time. And then they assume we're acting and can't figure out our act because there isn't one and that confuses them so much that they can't handle it. Now if only we could figure out why people want to play roles ....
I think you've got something here. Even apart from all that techno stuff it does seem like most of the world is acting most of the time. And then they assume we're acting and can't figure out our act because there isn't one and that confuses them so much that they can't handle it. Now if only we could figure out why people want to play roles ....

YES!!! You understand what I am saying. I was afraid I had done some stream of consciousness ramblings that were incomprehensible. :redface:
Fuck the acting,here I am baby,signed,sealed,delivered I'm yours!
Providing you take me as I am, aggressive and very assertive
intelligent, and I don't play by those old-assed gender defined rules or roles.
Accept me for being your complete and total opposite,and we just
might get along. Right Mr. Ed?
Still waiting for an answer!
I like to play monopoly and scrabble, but please DO NOT BRING THE GAME "SORRY" near me. I hate playing the sorry game and I get so pissed off, literally.
I love RPGs. From console, to handheld, to PC to tabletop-roll-the-polyhedral-dice RPGs. I don't see World of Warcraft as an RPG. It's really Real-Time Strategy with a few RPG elements tossed in.

NJQT - you really should check out Lucy Chu's book 4Man Plan. At least read it before dismissing it sight unseen.
I love RPGs. From console, to handheld, to PC to tabletop-roll-the-polyhedral-dice RPGs. I don't see World of Warcraft as an RPG. It's really Real-Time Strategy with a few RPG elements tossed in.

NJQT - you really should check out Lucy Chu's book 4Man Plan. At least read it before dismissing it sight unseen.

Posted by SereneBlue

Sorry, I have never been big on any type of video game. The thought of doing anything that requires a polyhedral die is a bit more than my feeble mind can bear.

You have got to be kidding me? :confused: A 4 man plan? I can't find one man, now you expect me to find 4! Nope, no can do. I don't juggle men. Also I haven't read a dating self-help book in about 8 years. I realized they were all written by unmarried women! :eek::mad::tongue:
NJQT...I need to take a visit to let you know that there are guys out there that are happy with themselves and not trying to be something that they aren't.. I agree with you that a lot of men and women aren't happy with themselves. Maybe thats why I am still single!

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