The Importance of Stamina Work

The Importance of Stamina Work​

Kegels, Towel Raises, Stop and Starts, Edging, and the like- some of you may recognize these exercises as being useful for developing sexual stamina. Often, these exercises are treated as an afterthought- something to be done after an enlargement workout. What should be realized is that these exercises are the most important part of your male enhancement routine and should be treated as such.

Stamina exercises are very important in helping to maximize sexual fitness. They tone and strengthen the PC and BC muscles and penile circulatory system, create harder and longer lasting erections (EQ), help improve penile blood flow, aid in recuperation (especially important if you’re doing enlargement exercises), and may also aid in plugging up venous leaks.

These exercises are often done at the end of an enlargement routine, and for good reason. Doing these exercises after a PE session keeps the penile tissues expanded for a longer period. When you combine that with the effects noted in the last paragraph, you begin to see how stamina work is vital to maximum penile development.

Some men that have done stamina exercises exclusively have even noticed measurable size gains due to the reversal of disuse! If you’ve been suffering from ED or are prone to premature ejaculation, stamina exercises will, in addition to developing penile fitness, help you develop control- you’ll be able to last longer and won’t be so prone to losing control once you feel the approach of an orgasm (commonly referred to as PONR- Point Of No Return).

A word of caution- as with any form of exercise, you should get a thorough check up to ensure that there won’t be any issues when you start your stamina routine. Some men make the mistake of starting off with hundreds of reps done throughout the day- simply because this is a very convenient method of performing these exercises. We advise against this approach until you have adapted yourself to being able to handle that kind of workload. Start slowly and well within your abilities and add intensity and reps over time in subsequent workouts. You do NOT want to overtrain on these exercises!

If you’re short on time or just don’t have the inclination or ability to do too much in the way of exercises for your sexual well being, do stamina work. It’s the best thing that you can do for your penis!

Stamina exercises and ED- References:

Randomised controlled trial of pelvic floor muscle exercises and manometric biofeedback for erectile dysfunction; Br J Gen Pract. 2004 November 1; 54(508): 819–825. PMCID: PMC1324914; Copyright © British Journal of General Practice, 2004.

Physical therapy for premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction and chronic pelvic pain syndrome; Helena M. Nugteren, Willibrord C.M. Weijmar Schultz* and Mels F. van Driel; Urology and *Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University Medical Centre Groningen, Groningen, the Netherlands; Accepted for publication 10 September 2009

Pelvic floor exercise versus surgery in the treatment of impotence.; Claes H, Baert L.; Br J Urol. 1993 Jan;71(1):52-7.

BetterMan Penis Enlargement


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