The start

Today is the first work day of being unemployed. I think I'm holding up pretty well. I haven't started pacing around the house like a caged animal. Last time I was unemployed for 6 months. I was going stir crazy. Today, the bf is home too. I've been making nice with him and stuff. Nothing out of the ordinary. I'm waiting for a guy at Tek Systems to call me about 4 opportunities that he left me a voicemail about. Tek is pretty busy, so I figure it may be a couple of hours before he gets back to me.

On the plus side, I can get more workouts in now. My friend in Pittsburgh has lost about 30 pounds by doing simple stuff. I hope I can drop this 30 by summer. I've started looking at healthy recipes that I've found on Men's Health site.

What to do now?


Good luck in your job search. At one time I was unemployed for 14 months. It gets very boring and frustrating.

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