thinking of someone else

Had great sex this afternoon, she was awesome, very loving, however, I was thinking of someone else throughout the entire session. (hope she didn't figure it out). Anyway, I can't get this other girl out of my head! I actually said her name once during a love making with a different girl. (That didnt go over real well LOL). Anyone else afflicted like this?


That is fucked up though. Calling another girl's name that isn't the current girl you are sexing. :frown1::mad::frown1:

If you were married, what IF your wife was making love to you and called out your best man's name or your father's name instead of yours? How would you feel?

Ooh, naughty! You should been hanging out with me, and then all of this could have been avoided. If she didn't say anything then you shouldn't worry about it. But what's keeping you from being with the woman you're always thinking of?

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