True stoy Time (three In one day!)

To be fair, the other two were typed up previously, this is fresh off the keyboard today.

Spit roast or How Ilan Met His Fairy Godfathers
So, I was twenty and living in Bullhead City, Az. Not a bad body considerring my diet mostly sucked and my excercise consisted of working McDonalds and biking or walking to most of the places I wanted to go. I lived with a pair of friends and their children. Given my unresolved sexual tension concerning each of these friends, not too surprising that I chose semi-anonymous sex to find surcease from feeling lonely and invisible.
Yeah, I know, that's the cheap and dirty answer and it only makes things worse. But that can wait for another frame of this story to be told.
So five days a week, I'd go to work, one "weekend" a month I'd visit my friend in Kingman, who I also had feelings for, but ket mostly clammed up about. When I wasn't working, I'd go to the local library, I'd seek out the various parks in town. I'd cruise public restrooms, in stores, in parks across the river at the Casinos. I had a two encounters in the K-Mart t-rooms. Once with an old man who wanted my cock up his ass, but once it was, he found he couldn't take half of it, much less the whole length (c'mon, I'm not that big! *sigh*). The other was with a hispanic guy who worked at K-mart (vest and all) He peeked over the top of the stall and grinned down at me while I was beating off. Mmm! He had a cock about the same size as mine and it was that delicious-looking caramel color, like Victor's (niether of us were nearly as big as I remember Victor being though!) I went down on him but he kept batting my hand away every time I tried to play with his ass. When he came, his seed was ferrociously bitter, like grapefruit, he gave me his number and his name. I tried to call him once, but evidently got his wife or whomever's number he had actually fobbed off on me.
I had luck in one of the t-rooms around the casinos, Fooled around with a couple of people. And that's how I met My Fairy Godfathers. Godfather A (Let's call him "Bull") Was the one I met in the t-room, he was a burly type a good layer of fat over muscle with a daddy-gut and a thick sap of a cock. I did the little dance of washing my hands to give him time to pee and leave if that's all he was there for, then I stepped up to the urinal and let out what little was in my bladder. I tilted my stance so the semi-hard I was nursing would be quite visible should he care to look. We traded peeks and smiled at each other. I nodded to his thick meat and said "may I?" he made noises of agreement and we fondled each other at the urinals for a moment or three.
Gods above! It was so hot, his cock was so big around my thumb and fingers had a good half-inch to an inch of space between them. After a few moments we agreed that we should really move the play somewhere less public. We went outside the restroom and he called his husband. Yeah, "omigod whatthefunk?" was pretty much cycling through my head along with "hey, this could be hot!" So, I was introduced to Godfather B (We'll refer to him as Bunny), an aging, slender and wiry type, who was probably a twink in his youth. Bull told Bunny how I had "touched him inappropriately" in the bathroom, and when I started making spluttering noises of protest, said he was just teasing and that I had been "perfectly gentlemanly about the whole thing". Bull and Bunny agreed theyshould take this hot piece of ass to their hotel room (Gods, my face must have been scaldingly red at that label being applied to me, it sure felt like it was). We made small talk as we rode the elevator and got undressed in their room. Bunny was signifigantly smaller than Bull in the cock department, and uncut (ever so slightly waxen on the tougue, but not unpleasant)Bull fondled my ass while I blew Bunny then we turned me around and Bunny pierced and pounded my rump much like his nicknamesake all the while I muffled my grunts and groans by slurping on Bull's more than ample cock. After Bunny came and went to dispose of his condom I was left nursing Bull who grunted and groaned and cussed me out when I made him orgasm. The two made sure I showerred, and wouldn't have it that I was going to walk home. They piled me into their SUV and drove me home. Though there was some joking talk of kidnapping me and taking me home with them to the Bay Area.
We exchanged e-mail addresses and thanked each other for the lovely time. Bunny warned me that meeting someone in a t-room could have gone dangerously wrong for me and that I should try to be safer. I've been in lazy contact with them both ever since, dubbing them my "Fairy Godfathers" for the tone of paternalism and worry they seem to bear for me. It's a nice feeling, knowing that someone cares about you.


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