I managed to close my eyes this morning. I think it was a little after 2. The best night's sleep I've had in a week, but I could not call it sound. Death toll 181 and rising, mercifully with less alacrity than in recent days.
Arson confirmed in the fires down this way, and a crime scene declared, but I am too raw to think professionally at the moment. I'm preparing for 6 funerals, probably more when they release the 21 names, whenever they happen. A joint specialist judicial taskforce, (that's police, the forensic medicine institute and the coroners' court) christened "Phoenix" established for the investigation. So too a full Royal Commission, the interim report of which will be tabled in October.
The army's been deployed: the medical corps, air arm and the local company of engineers. Disaster Victim Identification teams arrived yesterday and will begin their task today.
You would hardly know what's happened here if you based your judgment purely on the weather. It's cool, overcast and threatening rain. Californian friends have made comparisons to their fires a couple of years ago. No. Those fires raged for days. A small European country was obliterated in 8 hours, and probably two small countries by Sunday morning. (Victoria's about the size - little larger than - of Gemany)
I've been doing a lot of Justice Department media relations work. Among the gallery has been one of my close friends from my uni days who I haven't seen since I graduated. I don't think I've ever been so pleased to see her. Armed with a hug just as I needed it.
My former boss and his house are gone. So are two mates I went to school with and their parents. The brother of one flies in from Sweden tonight. Probably dozen more people I know who I haven't seen since Friday. Innumerable others I know have nothing left but their lives.
My best mate called last night after 3 frantic days. Everything is prepared for the birth of his first child on Sunday. He wants me as "Smartie's" godfather. Hope in the midst of a storm.
Arson confirmed in the fires down this way, and a crime scene declared, but I am too raw to think professionally at the moment. I'm preparing for 6 funerals, probably more when they release the 21 names, whenever they happen. A joint specialist judicial taskforce, (that's police, the forensic medicine institute and the coroners' court) christened "Phoenix" established for the investigation. So too a full Royal Commission, the interim report of which will be tabled in October.
The army's been deployed: the medical corps, air arm and the local company of engineers. Disaster Victim Identification teams arrived yesterday and will begin their task today.
You would hardly know what's happened here if you based your judgment purely on the weather. It's cool, overcast and threatening rain. Californian friends have made comparisons to their fires a couple of years ago. No. Those fires raged for days. A small European country was obliterated in 8 hours, and probably two small countries by Sunday morning. (Victoria's about the size - little larger than - of Gemany)
I've been doing a lot of Justice Department media relations work. Among the gallery has been one of my close friends from my uni days who I haven't seen since I graduated. I don't think I've ever been so pleased to see her. Armed with a hug just as I needed it.
My former boss and his house are gone. So are two mates I went to school with and their parents. The brother of one flies in from Sweden tonight. Probably dozen more people I know who I haven't seen since Friday. Innumerable others I know have nothing left but their lives.
My best mate called last night after 3 frantic days. Everything is prepared for the birth of his first child on Sunday. He wants me as "Smartie's" godfather. Hope in the midst of a storm.