Was the biggest cock the best sex you ever had?

I recently saw a thread on “was the biggest cock the best sex you ever had?” The frustrating thing is that I can’t seem to find that thread, again. Also, I have so much to say on this topic that I decided to blog about it.
I first came out of the closet in the late eighty’s. I had a few caring friends at the time, and they would warn me about the “bad boys”. Most of the good guys they would steer me to were the quiet type. You know the nerds, geeks, and wallflowers. I was shy enough myself, and I wanted experience.
Well, I hooked up with one of the bad boys one night. Let’s just say it was well worth it. He was my height, slim, and HUNG!!! I was a virgin in the back, and he scarred me at first. As we started, he grew to an impressive 10 inches uncut. He tried to enter me, but I was too nervous. He wrapped his arms around me from behind, and told me to take a deep breath. Next thing I knew he was he was in motion.
Several minutes went by, and I was in heaven. My vision was blurry, and my senses were tingling. I had never felt these sensations before. Before long, my body began to shiver uncontrollably, and waves of pleasure rolled right through me. I had an orgasm and shot my load! However, I noticed something different about him. When he got up to go to the bathroom, he wasn’t 10 inches uncut. He was 12 inches cut. I thought I would never be the same (if you get my meaning).
Within a year of that experience, I hooked up with another bad boy. I fell hard for this one. He was taller than me, 6 foot. He had auburn hair, a hairy chest, a freckled complexion from head to toe, and a tight physique. He worked out every day. I first thought “how did I get so lucky”. He fell for me as well.
OUR first time together was an extreme experience as well. The difference was that he was only 6 inches and cut. He gave me the very same sensations as the other one. It was so intense that he had to ask me “are you alright?” He thought that I had had a seizure. I explained to him what had happened, and he was shocked. He said he had only witnessed that one other time.
So to answer the question, does a bigger cock mean better sex? My answer is no. Most gay men want to have sex with a large cock, but remember the saying. It’s not the size of the ship, it’s the motion in the ocean. I’ve experienced both.
Ah, those were the days!! ;)
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no, i just had my first 10.5".. not worth it, he was a drama queen, and took way to much work... its the man attached to the dick..
Unfortunately, no the biggest cock I had wasn't the best I ever had. I meet this guy in January 2010, I was all excited because he had a big cock (long & thick), unfortunately either he was afraid to use it or didn't know how; not to mention tht he came a few minutes after we started.

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