Whaqt others will do when they see IT

There are people who are straight and don't belive under any circumstance they will ever loose control. I was in the steam room for about five minutes. It seem silly to cover up with water drippingfrom my head down so I removed my towel. here was an asain man sitting to my right and two white guys to my left. I closed my eyes and relaxed until, I felt the asain guy rubbing my leg gently. My dick which controls itself began to stir. The touching became more pronounced. My dick began getting hard. Even soft 7 1/2 is nice but the fantasies began in my head and I began to return the touching. My dick said fuck who'll see and started standing. The asain man open his towel and his dick was stand up. When the two men to my left saw that One got on his knees and began sucking the dick of the man to his left. The asain mans dick was bouncing which caused my dick to it full 91/2 and rose. I looked at the small window and sawanother man watching the action. My "partner stroked my dick until it was throbbing. Even with the steam sound, the unmistakable sound of dick sucking was audiable. My partner leaned over and took my uncut dick in his mouth. Different mem have a different tounge stroke and his had me dick throbbing. I stroked his dick which began leaking. The guy at the door was emmobilized. This went on until the men to me left were doing trade-offs sucking. Everybodys hands were all over each other. Moans escaped from me to the asain who's dick was dripping and a shudder went through him as he saw the other men shooting. His shudder made mydick hard as I have ever felt it and just as he pulled his mouth off my dick, thick gobs of scum began shooting.He milked every drop of juice out of my dick which remain hard even as I left to head toward the shower. I was under the cool spray of the water when the man who stood outside the steam room came in. His towel fell and I could see a drop of scumdrip from his hard dick as he eyed my still hard dick. Greedy huh. Part two later


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