What am I to you?

What am I to you?
You share with me your hearth, your home, your bed, your body.

You've been gone for over a week and haven't called once. Not even to tell me that your plane landed and that you are alive.

I don't know if I ever remember you saying you love me or if I've ever said it in a language you'd understand.

If we had met first, what would life be like now?

I know you'd miss me if I left, but would you try to keep me? Would either of you?

What am I to you?

You share your life, your our thoughts and your husband with me.

yet you haven't called either. Your depression includes me now that I am with you. gives you more reasons why you don't feel you belong. Gives you more weapons to wield against your own heart.

We share enthusiasms but not viewpoints.

Would your life be better or worse if I was no longer in it?

Do either of you imagine us growing old together?

Or do you think as I sometimes think, that someday I'll walk away, to the next person the gypsy wind carries me to?

What am I to you?

Do you even care to seek the answer?

What am I to you?

Would I change it the moment you tell me?


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