What I'm not entitled to my opinion?

People come to a pulic forum and start threads wanting people to comment... but when you don't agree with what they are doing and saying it is a HATE fest. Or better yet... have the "courage" to call someone stupid but not the "courage" to leave the comments that you disagree with. If this person did in fact have the knowlegde and education they "claim" about the subject in question she/he would not delete the comments but welcome them.

So I will say here what I said to her/ him:
Bragging about drug use and it's side effects in a public forum is not cool. Not to mention minimizing the effects of the drug on any human being, let alone that of a developeing brain. If you take meds for a chemical inbalance, such as, bi-polar, it is not a good idea to take drugs that effect the seritonin levels in your brain. Some drugs, especially "designer drugs", have not been out long enough for there to be research done in long term effects with these prescribed medications. And some prescribed medications have not been out long enough for the companies to give a fuck of the effects with non-prescribed drugs. I could care less if that person does drugs...what I care about is another young person reading the blog and based on one persons experience decide to do the "designer drug" besause he/ she was misinformed. Making up an education on the subject does not make you an expert. If you are adult enough to do drugs and go online and brag about the use, be adult enough to take the comments, be it bad or good. Because I don't agree with you does not mean I am wrong...only that we have different opinions. Because I am an adult I can recognize this- but also because I am not trying to cling to my hopeless need to justify my drug addiction. My opinion!!!!!!


This is a web site for adults, so I highly doubt this ThinkKinks's discussion about E/MDMA use is a bad influence. Most people have and will experiment at some point, and she is young, so rather than fault her experimentation, why not allow her the chance to explore her experiences and come to her own conclusions?

Further, MDMA has been around for about 100 years, it was used therapeutically for decades and there still exist experiments about its benefits. It wasn't even illegal for personal use until the late 90s when it became a schedule 1 drug. In the 70s and 80s, people could buy MDMA and G in health food stores.
no one has faulted her except for what you are doing now too. a drug is a drug. U should not minimize its effects because you never know an individuals reaction. Or who each maker is.
So if MDMA is so good why was it removed from the shelves?
MDMA is not the only ingredient in E.
She drives high!!!! Yes an automobile- she emailed that to me herself...once agin making her business mine and yet another thing to "fault" her for. And I willl fault her for that. n IF she doesnt want to be critisied then she shouldnt pubilisize her life...no???????????? Because not everyone will agree...no? If she is not adult enough to defend her actions she made public then maybe she should not be so quick to post them... no?
and as I said, What Im not entitled to my opinion...she has hers. huh?
Anyone should be able to point out what's displeasing about a post or a thread. But carrying on about it can create the impression of single minded crankiness or a vendetta.
I have to go with SpeedoGuy on this one.
Although I don't care to hear about T.K.'s drug use
I will defend her right to talk about it and your right to disagree.
Why not ask T.K. not to pm you about her subsequent drug usage?
A drug is not always as the government would have you believe either.
I'm not sure why you are so upset about what she does even if she tells you. Why didn't you stop her before now from telling or talking to you?
She's an adult she's entitled to experiment, this is an adult site I can't see any of us being influenced into taking E because someone on the net blogs about it.
Your comments ring a bit hollow when your username is Sativa, isn't choosing a name that's a tribute to weed glorifying drug use?
Sativa is a latin word used to name many plants such as rice, fennell flower, fennell weed, lettuce and oats. It has nothing to do with "weed" except that it is a name used to catagorize the herb and was created before the english language. You see my parents gave me that name when I was born...it has been both a curse and a blessing. People think that they know the meaning of the word because they associate it with "weed". So NO I dont believe I am glorifying drug use anymore than my parents were when they were searching for an original name.

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