I have always been enamored with females. Even way back when I was a small kid. Most smaller kids don't like the opposite sex. They think they are icky or gross or whatever. I was never that way, I have always been attracted to females.
Ok, now to the topic of this blog. My fuck buddy has had some not too great of relationships in the past. Yes, there are times that we just fuck, and we fuck really hard. But because of her past I sometimes take my time and actually make love to her. We kiss the deep kisses as I slowly thrust in and out of her.
I have noticed it before, but I think that she looks so beautiful at this time. Especially if she has already cum. The glow and serenity on her face as I slowly make love to her is immeasurable.......or......."priceless"
Ok, now to the topic of this blog. My fuck buddy has had some not too great of relationships in the past. Yes, there are times that we just fuck, and we fuck really hard. But because of her past I sometimes take my time and actually make love to her. We kiss the deep kisses as I slowly thrust in and out of her.
I have noticed it before, but I think that she looks so beautiful at this time. Especially if she has already cum. The glow and serenity on her face as I slowly make love to her is immeasurable.......or......."priceless"