
My last blog wouldn't completely upload or something.. so I have to repost it:


I wish I had a HOT, torrid, sex-laced tale of my night out with my long lost lady-friend.

Alas, yet thankfully, it wasn't.

We went to a local Japanese restaurant, and essentially nibbled the appetizers and gorged on conversation.

We had a blast, and Traci enjoyed her FIRST taste of Sake'.

We reminisced about being little hellraisers-[ young adults..y'know??] , and then our current lives as parents.

Time has been VERY kind to her- she's still as radiant and just plain CUTE as she was when met her some 20 years ago.

We languished over The Japanese equivalent to Calimari , and even tried Mahi-mahi, but it was ALL fun.

As conversations do, ours ran all over the place.

We asked about each others' former s/o's (my ex-wife; her hex-bf-who was my best friend way back) and how we all split up and went our ways.

She told me she'd thought she'd NEVER see me again.

To make a long story short, I feel very fortunate for her to come back into my world... she's always been a REALLY fun and sweet woman who can drive like Mario Andretti and throws a MEAN right hook.

And, YES, if you're wondering, She left a VERY blank check that only time can write:


"What ever happens next, well... We're both adults...."

MOST DEFINITELY "to be continued..."

That said, well, go on to my NEXT blog...


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