Bullied or beaten up


Superior Member
Apr 21, 2021
Huntington (West Virginia, United States)
99% Gay, 1% Straight
I was wondering since this is a place to talk with people around the world.. what’s it like to be gay in your area..

Have you ever been bullied or picked on or beaten just for being gay

mid can’t post it here or don’t want it to be posted here you can private message me … open minded you be same
Don't generally have an issue, but then I do very little to advertise that I am gay.
Although a few years back I got a message of some random guy on Facebook, who sent me some pictures I'd posted on Instagram not long after I came out, of me in jock straps.
With the message that I was disgusting and people like me shouldn't be alive, so should go kill myself.

Can't remember how he found me in either, but then again it was easy to find his full Facebook profile & report the account to Facebook (they didn't do anything or find a problem with him telling me to kill myself)
As well as his listed employer. Who said they will pass it on to the relevant department.

Other than that I've had no issues.
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I was bullied at school. Even though I myself wasn't sure if I was gay at that point, but I guess it was obvious to my classmates somehow. Which is weird because I'm pretty straight looking guy. But I never was into "straight" boys activities like playing football or hanging out with the boys in the locker room discussing girls.
And in my mid 20s I've decided to get out of the closet, and when asked, openly tell people that I'm gay.
Usually nobody asks (and I still believe most of the people don't care), but there's was this programmer guy at work, that learned that I was gay from someone, and ever since he refused to shake my hand and was very rude to me when we had shared work tasks.
That was when I was living in Kiev, Ukraine.
I've been living in various EU countries for the past 10 years and other than those events, I've never had any problems.
However, I used to see a guys in Sweden that came to Stockholm from some extremely rural town up north, and he told me his family was extremely homophobic all the way to physically abusing him :(
I was bullied in middle school. I was a quiet, shy kid with bad acne and a horrible stepfather who treated me like shit. After a particularly rough morning with my stepfather, I went to school in a foul mood. The bully caught me in a stairwell between floors. He ended up falling down a flight of stairs and landing at the bottom just as a teacher opened the door. She demanded to know what had happened. He said he fell, I said he fell, and that was the end of it. He never bothered me again and neither did his friends.

When I got to high school I didn't have many problems. A couple of guys tried to bully me but a few well-placed words in front of their friends would leave them humiliated and they didn't bother me again.

I never had any issues as an adult or in my career.
Man, what a topic. I'm betting every gay boy or girl, or even ones who were just perceived to be such took unfathomable grief growing up. I had plenty of grief but was never terribly bullied or beaten up. But, I remember vividly being the different one during that time. Small town America where you were the one who didn't fit in was a living hell. No words for the astounding verbal abuse as a kid and in junior high, truly leaving you feeling like a worthless, steaming pile of cow shit. Of course, I'm over it now but the words and actions of high school aged boys (and some girls) is downright astounding. The absolute zero regard shown to a person and the words that come from their mouths is simply beyond description. The humiliation from their words and actions can, I'm sure leave a person scarred for life. I bet there are many who were permanently scarred for life.

Ironically though, even before high school years were over, I had a classmate ask me if I wanted to suck his dick. I guess that doesn't necessarily mean he was gay, maybe he was just horny as fuck and needed relief, thinking I'd go for slurping down his cock and cum at the camp house. Who knows, he could have been bi or gay. Then, not long after high school and marriage (to a woman) out of the blue comes a call from a high school acquaintance, mind you, that I never even so much as held a conversation with. He randomly calls me and just wants to know what I've been up to. Of course I can't prove anything, but immediately I felt I knew. I just answered and asked him why he wanted to know. I'll never forget his choking reply in saying, oh, I was just wondering and nervously hung up. Yeah.

Then, sometimes I wonder about the high school kings and queens who might have had a gay child. Shoe on the other foot now, as some used to say, and valuable lesson learned for them, I hope.

Anyway, it's a good thing people grow up and become mature adults. If not, I'd have never transitioned. I still remember all of that stuff, but it doesn't define who I am today, thank God. I had a good conversation the other day with a guy I graduated with about this very kind of thing. Our conversation was about someone who had recently confronted him over something he said to them in high school. I could tell he was taken aback that something he said then was bad enough to warrant being confronted about so many years later. I remember telling him there's a huge difference in the high school version of someone and the mature adult version of the same person. I remember leaving that conversation on a very positive note.
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I was constantly bullied and harassed in my younger years. I felt like I had to go to college out of state to get away from it all. Thankfully my father was able to pay for it. I honestly think that he was just glad that I hadn't killed myself. When I went to a high school reunion, most people treated me like I had always been a cool guy.
Maybe it was because I was able to break away from that city and become financially successful . Chicks flirted with me, and other gay guys stared at me from across the room, apparently too afraid to approach me. I did work my way around the room to talk to everyone, but at the end of the day I was really pissed off at how everyone bullied me but now acted as if nothing happened. I still don't understand it.
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I was teased for sure, in school especially, bullied if you like, but it was rarely if ever directly about being gay. I'm not saying I passed for straight, but rather that the private school I went to, at the time I did (mid-late 1980s), straddled somehow the line between not speaking of gayness positively (or really at all) but also not directly calling it out with slurs or bullying. I think people I went to school with were just slightly too refined for that, and I never remember derogatory words coming my way (maybe they were said behind my back). There was also a much more... flamboyant boy in my class, but I also don't think he got much or any flack. (At any rate, he was a lot more popular than I was.)

The trade-off was that it was truly the love that dare not speak its name, and we got zero support or acknowledgement. Obviously everyone knew about gay people -- they were on TV all the time, as the AIDS crisis unfolded -- but it just wasn't discussed at school, in any context. It's hard for people who weren't around then to understand what it was like, and I had it easier than nearly anyone gay at the time.

Since then? No, not really. When I was in my 20s, someone shouted derogatory names out of a car at a friend and me, but that minor incident stands out because of its novelty. I know I've been lucky, and in no way do I want to diminish the misery that gay people faced and still do, but that's my experience.

Acceptance is another matter entirely. I felt tolerated or ignored, but often unaccepted or misunderstood. But you're asking about bullying specifically.
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Sorry!! Thank you for editing. I'm usually hyper-conscious of that here, but for some reason didn't even think about it this time.
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I was bullied through most of junior high and a some of high school. It was always verbal but luckily there was no physical violence. Mostly being called a fag or cocksucker and other similar verbal abuse. I am so glad that most kids today can get help or support if they are experiencing bullying but when I was young you were told to suck it up and put up with it. There was no support of any kind and you were on your own.
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