

Just Browsing
Sep 11, 2007
Hey guys we are planning a trip to Japan, my friends and I. One of our buddies told us sex was really easy to come by there. Does anyone have any insight on this. If this is the case that would be awesome, I love Asian women lol.
I've always wanted to go to Japan. Heard its a little on the expensive side to live their however....But agreed, japanese women :biggrin1:

Espcially one of my favorites: Reon Kadena



Have fun on your trip dude.
There is no such thing as easy, no matter which country you go. You have to be respectful and polite and maybe you can go home with one. It all depends on chemistry.


while the peoples of japan have some fucked up cartoon porn, the peoples there are actually conservative. most of their porn is censored, because of us actually. but they've kept it that way. japanese americans are different though brah. but it's kinda stupid for go to one country under the assumption of easy peoples. if you get some, you get some. but it's bad mentality for go to one country just for get laid.

btw, i'm 1/8 japanese.
There are sex clubs, but that doesn't mean that foreigners are invited. It also depends on the city.

As said above, don't go to Japan just to get laid, it may or may not happen. Of course if you want a sure thing you can find a prostitute, but Japan is very conservative, many outfits do not cater to foreigners. But if you look around I am sure you can find what you are looking for.
just a word of warning ... i spent last a month last year in Japan, and while in Kyoto I saw multiple arrests for prostitution & a raid on a club. not that you would, just for your information.:smile:
Japan is also nearly impossible for gaijin to gain citizenship to, and to get careers in.

Yeah, thats another thing. I heard they can be a little racists as well...not that I've had any personal experience, just something I've heard so dont take it to heart without looking into it a little more.
Yeah, thats another thing. I heard they can be a little racists as well...not that I've had any personal experience, just something I've heard so dont take it to heart without looking into it a little more.

"mainland" japan, such as tokyo, isn't that racist. there's more racism towards foreigners in the more rural areas of japan. okinawa, according to my tutu, is the most accepting of foreigners, especially americans.
im in asia right now and have been hooking up and for the most part have had a very difficult time with the ladies accomidating me. it kind of sucks. the women are smaller so be prepared if you have a large penis.
Ok surfer kid you dont look Japanese, so maybe half. And im not going just for that, im saying it would be nice if that happened. I dont think i will have a problem, i speak fluent japanese, and dont have any trouble in the US getting laid.
Ok surfer kid you dont look Japanese, so maybe half. And im not going just for that, im saying it would be nice if that happened. I dont think i will have a problem, i speak fluent japanese, and dont have any trouble in the US getting laid.

i'm 1/8 japanese, 1/8 korean, 1/4 white, and 1/2 native hawaiian.

but brah, and you gotta admit, the way your first post sounded, it was like you were just goin there for have sex
"mainland" japan, such as tokyo, isn't that racist. there's more racism towards foreigners in the more rural areas of japan. okinawa, according to my tutu, is the most accepting of foreigners, especially americans.

I lived in Okinawa for a while and I have to say all the people i met were very welcoming. From my experiences (and my friends) almost everywhere in Japan is very accepting to foreigners, but that doesnt mean that they want to sleep with you.

I've lived for most of the last ten years in Japan -- I thought I could offer some help and clear up a few misunderstandings.

Regardless of whether you are gay, straight or bi, as a traveler you may well find you have an easier time getting laid in Japan. A lot of people -- women and men -- are simply curious to experiment.

I'm a gay guy -- but I was surprised (even occasionally alarmed) by how sexually aggressive women can be in Tokyo. And I know plenty of straight guys who are very honest about admitting that they stay in Japan because the girlfriend they have in Tokyo is more beautiful than any girlfriend they'd be eligible for in Chicago.

Now to clear up a few misunderstandings. Tokyo's prices have come down lower and lower in recent years. Eating well, in particular, is drastically cheaper than in much of Europe. Living in Tokyo is cheaper than living in Chicago -- if you're willing to live like a Japanese person -- without a car and in a small apartment.

Mr. Astley, it is no longer true that foreigners cannot have careers. I know dozens of people with excellent careers in Japan. I'm one of them. And, the Japanese government is now doing a lot to encourage citizenship. They need the tax money. Yes, there's plenty of racism in Japan but there's a lot of opportunity, too.