Just got back from vaca....and I still hate people.

D_Marazion Analdouche

Experimental Member
Sep 21, 2007
So I'm at he grocery store stocking up on various things after being gone a couple weeks on vacation. I'm heading to the checkout line and walking ahead of me is this guy who is 80+ walking a little on the slow side. He's wearing his WWII US Navy Veteran Hat and has the tattoos on his forearms and everything.

Now he has about, I don't know 14-15 items and is heading to a checkout line that is empty. A family consisting of a husband, wife and daughter are coming towards us at a decent distance. They see the old man and speed up to get in front of him. This is bad enough, what makes it worse is that they have a full F'n cart and as I said he had about 14-15ish items. So they then begin to put stuff on the conveyor. The old guy puts his hands on his hips and gives them that "I can't believe you just did that look."

I park my cart and walk around the Ole Man.

I then start to take the crap off the belt before the cashier starts to ring them up and proceed to refill their cart. The wife looks horrified and looks at her husband, who won't make eye contact with me, the daughter is asking "daddy what's going on?".

Pushing the cart out of line, I make a motion for the Ole Man to go ahead. I actually give him a quick salute and then ask the husband if it's OK if the Veteran they just cut off can go ahead of them....the husband said it was ok with him. The Ole Man winks at me and proceeds to check out, I turn back around to the family and mention I am also a Vet, they promptly went to the next line. Before they leave completely I tell the husband to make sure he doesn't teach his daughter the same lack of manners he and his wife seem to have.

I talked to the Ole Man for a few a couple, found out he served on a Destroyer in the battle of Midway etc. I gave him my number and told him if he ever needed a cribbage partner at the VFW to give me call.

Somethings I just can't let stand. This just didn't piss me off just because he was a fellow Vet, people as a whole have lost their manners and ability to have some courtesy. The Vet part just pushed me over the edge.


Sexy Member
Apr 21, 2008
69% Gay, 31% Straight
good for you...i too am out-raged by such rudeness...i make a point to do the same as you and i am not a VET, taught my kids the same...i call it the moral decline of AMERICA...


Good for you! You reminded me of a similar experience I had when I was younger. Back in the days before ATMs, you had to line up at a bank and see a teller to get your money. I arrived at the bank about 30 minutes before it opened and waited in line in front of the bank. In front of me was an elderly lady. When the bank doors opened, people started to race around the elderly lady from behind, so they would get served first in the bank line. I was so enraged that I (being only 14 then and much faster than these middle aged people who raced in front of the elderly lady) ran in front of them, so that they were behind me again. I then motioned to the elderly lady who was now about 10 people behind me to come and stand in front of me in line. I gave the other people in line a steely look to let them know not to challenge me on letting her back into her rightful place in line. No one said anything. I hope they were completely ashamed of themselves. Here was a 14 year old teaching middle aged people how to behave! That was almost 27 years ago for me (I'm 41 next month). Unfortunately things have gotten worse in terms of rudeness and self importance in the "me first" society that exists in Canada today. I too absolutely detest people some days.
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Mythical Member
Aug 21, 2007
Auckland (New Zealand)
100% Gay, 0% Straight
SO HAPPY to read of the Succesful conclusion to it all Wartrac
Interesting to note that the Husband did not interfere .(he was not going to have them looking Doubly Stupid huh'). a bonus i would think (altho i geuss he was more than a party to it all.)
Admire you for making the stand for the older Gentleman..to be honest i geuss i may have said something verbally and left it at that.(gutless me')
The end result..with the ole man perhaps left feeling on top of the world


Experimental Member
Aug 5, 2006
100% Straight, 0% Gay
That happens everywhere I go too. From as simple as someone that can't count items in their cart (when all the while they're fully aware of how many they really do have) trying to get away with it to like you said, finding another gear to get ahead of others that they endanger others in the effort.

You did the right thing, I wished I had been there to help.

Something similar that bothers me, those that use their children as human shields or free passes to get away with sh*t. And like you said the children are there and they grow up to perpetuate it, they learn it by seeing it as the rule and common place. While I have generally no issue with allowing the family to go thru as an uninterrupted group, there are certain circumstances that common sense have to prevail. If there aren't enough places for each in that group or in the case of the grocery line where I'm buying 3-4 items and it inconveniences the quick, lite shopper to stand and wait behind one or two full carts, there has to be some general level /concensus of courteousy, one that is obviously lacking in society today.

Does this bother anyone too ? The ones that pack their cart with items, get to the register and can't buy everything that was rung up ? Or the @ssh*les that get in line, but really haven't finished shopping ? They leave or others in their group go off and come back with a handful of things and still expect to have their place held. We all would get out sooner without these people doing this.


Loved Member
Oct 10, 2005
North Carolina
99% Gay, 1% Straight
So I'm at the grocery store stocking up on various things after being gone a couple weeks on vacation. I'm heading to the checkout line and walking ahead of me is this guy who is 80+ walking a little on the slow side. He's wearing his WWII US Navy Veteran Hat and has the tattoos on his forearms and everything.

Now he has about, I don't know 14-15 items and is heading to a checkout line that is empty. A family consisting of a husband, wife and daughter are coming towards us at a decent distance. They see the old man and speed up to get in front of him. This is bad enough, what makes it worse is that they have a full F'n cart and as I said he had about 14-15ish items. So they then begin to put stuff on the conveyor. The old guy puts his hands on his hips and gives them that "I can't believe you just did that look."

I park my cart and walk around the Ole Man.

I then start to take the crap off the belt before the cashier starts to ring them up and proceed to refill their cart. The wife looks horrified and looks at her husband, who won't make eye contact with me, the daughter is asking "daddy what's going on?".

Pushing the cart out of line, I make a motion for the Ole Man to go ahead. I actually give him a quick salute and then ask the husband if it's OK if the Veteran they just cut off can go ahead of them....the husband said it was ok with him. The Ole Man winks at me and proceeds to check out, I turn back around to the family and mention I am also a Vet, they promptly went to the next line. Before they leave completely I tell the husband to make sure he doesn't teach his daughter the same lack of manners he and his wife seem to have.

I talked to the Ole Man for a few a couple, found out he served on a Destroyer in the battle of Midway etc. I gave him my number and told him if he ever needed a cribbage partner at the VFW to give me call.

Somethings I just can't let stand. This just didn't piss me off just because he was a fellow Vet, people as a whole have lost their manners and ability to have some courtesy. The Vet part just pushed me over the edge.

Very honorable and patriotic. I guess the family learned a valuable lesson.


Sexy Member
Feb 27, 2007
at home
100% Straight, 0% Gay
good job wartrac...you were completely in the right.

Manners and decency have gone right out the window to a great many.

I was going into Bloomingdales the other day to get a gift for my sister, as i approached one of the main doors, i was much closer to it than several people who were on the verge of coming out...i got to the door and held it open...about 12 people came through, blabbing to each other, or on cell phones or looking through their bags, or checking their blackberry's or just staring straight ahead...as i sat there holding the door, not one said thank you...not one...i was about to go through and started moving through the doorway when i saw an elderly lady and her husband moving a bit slower to the door, so i halted and went back to my holding the door...they moved slowly through, the husband gently held his wife's arm and moved her through before him and said to her "watch the little step"...as she moved through she looked right at me smiled and said "oh thank you for waiting "...her husband looked up at me, smiled and said "thank you very much", i smiled back and said "oh you're welcome...have a nice day"...I then went into the store and they went on their way...I think if it had not been for those two nice polite people, i would have been pretty pissed off for awhile.