Just how important to you?


Expert Member
Mar 28, 2008
Suppose that right now, today, you could miraculously and permanently transform your cock into one that is of any size you choose.

What dimensions would you choose for your new cock when erect?

But that is only part of the question. Suppose that the priviledge of re-designing your cock to your own specifications comes at a price. Your life will be cut somewhat short. Obviously, you do not know when you would die if you did not enter into this deal, but whatever that date is, to get your new cock, you must agree that your death will occur a certain amount of time earlier than it otherwise would. So, the second part of the question is this: what is the longest amount of time that you would be willing to have the date of your death advanced in exchange for getting your new cock starting today?

Your answer to the second part may well be influenced by your current age, and by the actual size of your cock. So, it would be helpful if you would provide those two pieces of information as well.


My own cock is 5.75 inches long. I have never measured my girth, having gotten really bummed out to learn that my length falls short of 6 inches. Despite my unhappiness with my size, I do rather like the shape and contours of my cock -- I think that it is aesthetically pleasing. It is what might be called a model cock, a.k.a. a small representation of the real thing. On second thought, to be the perfect model cock, it ought to be a bit thicker. So, the same basic shape but with, let's say, an additional 20% in girth. That new version would then be my revised model cock. To scale it up to the real thing, I would opt for enlarging this revised model in all dimensions until it was 9.25 inches in length. Nine inches would really be just fine with me, but I would not want there to be any room for quibbling about whether I might be a hair shy of 9 inches. So 9.25 would provide a margin of safety -- clearly over 9 inches.

With the increase of 20% in girth and then scaling everything up so that the new length would be 9.25 inches, that means I would be packing just about 6 times as much meat as I am packing now!

Anything longer than 9.25 would be unwielding I think, and I would not want to be so big as to be regarded as a freak. I just think that it would be great to be a guy with really big cock.

Now here is where my age comes in. I am nearing retirement age. My wife and I have great sex, some of the best we have had with each other (or with anyone else). But I know that putting a big cock into the mix would really heighten the experience for both of us, even though she downplays the importance of size. At this age I would be willing to have my life cut short by one or two years to have the cock of my dreams starting today. Back when I was 25 or so, I probably would have been willing to give up ten years of my life.
My cock is usually 5" sometimes as big as 6.5. No clue about that variance, but was pushing on a ruler to get to 6. Blah, Blah. To go to 7" everyday and 5 1/4 around.

Give several years for that. I already am from smoking!
I would not shorten my life at all. Here is why:

Even though I consider my cock very average, about 80 percent of the woman I have been with said they loved my cock or said it was perfect. My wife brags to her friends about how big and thick it is. If I was any bigger I wouldnt be able to put any more of it into her sweet pussy. She has the sweetest tasting and tightest pussy I have every experienced.

If I could go back to High School or College I would wish for a monster.... 11 inches at least and 8 inches around. I would want to have the cock that men envied and women wispered about. I would definitely have liked to have the huge cock in the locker room.

But, I would never wish to shorten my life in exchange for a bigger dick.