

1st Like
Jan 26, 2008
80% Straight, 20% Gay
The term LOLITA is often used for young girls that feel attracted to older men. Its origins are in Nabokov's novel "Lolita", where a mature man marries his landlady in order to get closer to her daughter, (Lolita), and eventually he succeeds in seducing the girl.

Are there mature men that feel attracted to really young girls (I don't mean pedophilia) ? Are there young girls that feel attracted to older men? Have you ever had sexual experience with someone much younger or much older?

I'm asking you this because I once met a man who was 23 years older than me (I was 18, he was 41) we spent a night together, and I can say it was the best night ever. It was simply incredible. I still dream about him and hope to see him again sometime.
One of my favourite books, yes there are men who are attracted to young girls, not children but girls who aren't above the age of consent, lots of men will deny it but catch them rubbernecking when they pass a crowd of 15 year old schoolgirls.
I would say it's a pervasive male fantasy to want younger girls, which is why there are the depictions of the Naughty Cheerleader or the Sexy School Girl. Which feeds into the male desire for an attractive nubile female.

And the reason I think young girls are attracted to older men is because of their level of maturity. Boys mature more slowly than girls, which is why young girls are less attracted to the boys their own age because they rightly perceive them to be immature. Older men have passed beyond that phase and usually have established themselves into a career and exude more confidence and self-assurance than young boys. They also may or may not wield some power and influence in their field, which I think some younger girls will find attractive.
technically, lolita age is right before or as girls reach puberty-- 9 to 14 or so.

i think attraction between young adult women and older adult men is pretty common-- i can't count the number of women i know attached to someone at least 10 years their senior (me included). but this is different than what we call "lolita" type attractions, which are truly pedophilia.
technically, lolita age is right before or as girls reach puberty-- 9 to 14 or so.

i think attraction between young adult women and older adult men is pretty common-- i can't count the number of women i know attached to someone at least 10 years their senior (me included). but this is different than what we call "lolita" type attractions, which are truly pedophilia.
Thanks for explaining this Snoozan! :cool: I have heard the term often; but was unaware of the exact parameters age wise.