My Experiences As A Nude Model


Mythical Member
Apr 14, 2020
Atlanta (Georgia, United States)
50% Straight, 50% Gay
I have traveled rather extensively, both for business and pleasure. Once I have a trip in the works I often get online to see if I can find an opportunity to model for an artist or art class at my destination. My trips have taken me to all 50 states and around the globe so I have had some fun experiences.

In some countries my circumcised penis is a very rare sight. I arranged to model for an artist who was teaching an oil painting class in his personal studio. There were five students, four of them female and one male.

From the moment I dropped my robe and struck my first pose, I noticed all attention was focused on my dick. I try to make it a habit to not look directly at the artist's or students I pose for, but there are times I get a feeling and have to look to confirm it. That time I sensed a slowness to start painting and looked at everyone to figure it out. None of them made eye contact with me and there line of vision was lower in my body.

The artist noticed what was going on and broke their spell by giving them some direction. He got them focused on how the light was hitting my right side. He came up to me and pointed up at my shoulder to show where there was a strong highlight. Then he pointed at my left side under my chin where there was a strong shadow. Once the students were all focused on the lighting and knew their instructor was walking around to see how they were each painting it, they were back on track.

My modeling session was one three hour pose, with a 5 minute break after each 25 minutes of posing. As I often do I wandered around to see the student's work during breaks. The students all captured my cut dick pretty accurately. The artist was also painting between helping students. I noticed on his canvas I was uncut.

After the class was over and the students were gone, I stayed to talk to the artist. he apologized for how the class had started and hoped I wasn't too uncomfortable. He said a circumcised penis was so rare in their area that some of the students may have never seen one. He said even he had never had a model without a foreskin. He pointed out he chose to add one in his painting because he felt it would be easier to sell.

I have also had modeling experience in countries where the average penis size is much smaller than mine and I noticed a similar type of reaction when students saw my flaccid six incher. It is common for men with above average endowments to be proud of them. In circumstances like this one you need a lot of confidence not to feel like a freak.

What I noticed was most of the students minimized my penis in their drawings. When I walked around I saw some of their sketches had my dick about half the size it is. It made me feel like I was flaunting a porn star cock.

As a model I have had to develop a thick skin to see how artists depict me in their art. I realize some of it is not about me, but rather about their own insecurities with the human body.

To be continued...


Mythical Member
Apr 14, 2020
Atlanta (Georgia, United States)
50% Straight, 50% Gay
When I was young I leaked a lot of pre-cum. When modeling for art classes at my school there were times I wasn't aware of it til I changed poses. One time I was in a standing pose and must have had a string of pre-cum hanging from my dick. When the instructor asked me to change poses I decided on a seated one and that string landed on my thigh. It was well over a foot long.

I still leak pre-cum but not to the same extent. Now it's more likely to just show up as a shiny wet spot at the tip of my dick. I guess I could be embarrassed about it but these things happen.

To becontinued...


Mythical Member
Apr 14, 2020
Atlanta (Georgia, United States)
50% Straight, 50% Gay
One of my wife's friends asked her if I would be open to posing for a "class" in her neighborhood. It's a rather large development with about 800 homes. They have a clubhouse where they host a variety of activities going on constantly. Some of the offerings are art topics.

The woman who proposed the figure drawing class is a good artist and I have modeled for her and her students on other ocassions. In a planning committee meeting she mentioned my name as a suggestion for the model. My wife's friend told her she would see if I was available.

As I expected, when word got out there was going to be a naked man posing the registration increased dramatically. They had to move to a larger room than they had planned to use. When I showed up the room was already packed.

Typically when I model there is some sort of screened off area where I undress and can leave my clothes. This was just a large open space with one wall of windows looking out onto the pool and tennis courts and the only doors were out to the main hall where other things were going on.

I spoke with my wife's friend and the artist I knew and did a quick scan and recognized two other woman. I was shown the small stage they had set up for me and headed that way. It was just a couple minutes from start time so I started undressing.

The way the women were staring at me you might think they had been locked up in a women's prison for ten years and hadn't seen any men. I even heard some suggestive comments. When I was nude I stepped up onto the stage and looked out at the room of seemingly sex-starved women. I felt like I could be molested at any moment.

The artist stepped up near the stage and said the group was in for a treat. She said she had me pose for her classes several times and I was a very experienced model. She let the group know I would be doing three 30 minute poses with short breaks in between. She would be wandering around the room to help anyone who needed it.

I purposely got into a pose where my penis was turned away from the group. That seemed to be the center of their universe at the moment and I figured with three poses I would build up that. Throughout my pose I heard some very bold comments. I figured if I ever lost my job I could do well in this neighborhood as a gigilo.

During breaks I generally walk around to look at everyone's art. I opted not to with this group. I knew I would likely be groped and I also knew there were few in the room who were actual artists so the "art" would be a joke. They were there to see a nude man.

For my second pose I faced forward and gave them what they came for, well at least in terms of my pose. I think a number of them would strip right down in front of their friends to have me fuck them. As if reading my mind my wife's friend came up on the next break and thanked me for putting up with the "silly girls."

For my final pose I stood and arched my back so my dick was thrust forward. I put one hand on my ass and raised the other, exposing an arm pit and rested my arm on top of my head. I could tell from the whispered (and not so quiet) comments that the pose was a winner.

At the end of the session the artist stepped up on the stage with me and thanked me for coming. She asked the group if they had enjoyed the class. They let out a round of applause, as well as whistles, and a few more lewd comments. I bowed, got off the stage and got dressed. As soon as I had clothes on the women seemed eager to leave. The show was over.

My wife's friend came up to me and apologized for how childish so many of the woman had been. I said maybe next time they should just hire a male stripper to put on a show. She laughed and said I think you are right.

Out in the parking lot several women were still there chatting. When they saw me one asked if I was available to go home with her so she could show her husband what a man was suppose to look like. I just smiled and waved. I drove off happy to have that day over.


Mythical Member
Apr 14, 2020
Atlanta (Georgia, United States)
50% Straight, 50% Gay
When I was about 30 I was posing for a college art class. All of the students but one were the typical ages you expect to see. The other was a woman who appeared to be in her 40's. She was not the best artist in the group but her drawings were quite nice and showed natural ability that just needed time to develop.

After the class she stayed to ask me if I ever modeled privately. She said she was determined to work through the challenges she was having and hoped to improve before the end of the semester to help her grade. We arranged a day and time for the modeling session and she went on her way. She came back and said, "Oh, my name is Anna."

The instructor told me he had overheard our conversation and was happy I had agreed to work with her. He had talked with her several weeks earlier and told her she had a gift that he hoped she would pursue. She had told him her husband had died tragically in the past year and she was left to raise their teenage son on her own. She struggled to balance her time between him, working to support them, and her passion for figurative art.

Anna's home ended up being a third floor walk up apartment. It was an open loft space that she had divided up as best she could to provide some private space for both herself and her son. When I arrived she was alone and showed me the area she had carved out to use as her art studio. I got undressed and we got to work. She had asked for two hours of modeling. At the end of the time she was not quite finished so I told her if she had time I would stay free of charge so she could finish.

Her completed art blew me away. I complimented her and said I was so proud to be a part of something so special. She cried and said drawing the figure had been her passion when she originally went to college after high school. During her second year she got pregnant and ended up quitting. She always dreamt of getting back to it.

Anna explained that money was tight and she could not afford to have me pose again. I told her I wanted to help her and I loved her art so much that I would give her two more two hour sessions at no charge. She broke into tears again.

The next time when I arrived to model for Anna she had a number of drawings of her son and her sister taped onto the wall. They were all excellent but none were the the nude figure she was passionate about. I told her I could see her growth already from the class when I met her.

We worked for about an hour when Anna told me her son would be home soon. She hoped I didn't mind him being there when I was posing. I said it wouldn't bother me at all and hoped I wouldn't make him uncomfortable. When he opened the door and saw me there he seemed flustered.
Without even saying hello he went behind a draped off area to his private space.

Anna called out to him and asked him to come out she she could introduce him to me. He came around the drape and just stood there. She told him not to be rude and asked him to come over to where we were. He reluctantly came forward.

Patrick was a very handsome young man. Anna said he was in his junior year of high school. She told Patrick I was modeling for free to help her improve her art but I would be back just one time and then she expected him to take my place. He said there was no way he was getting naked for her to draw. She told him she had seen him naked and as long as she supported him she could ask him to help her.

I felt sorry for Patrick. It wasn't easy being a teenage boy going through all of the physical changes and to be nude in front of your mother. I told him I would help him learn how to pose the next time I came over. He looked like he was trapped and he turned and went back to his space.

When I arrived the next time Patrick was home. There were drawings on the wall of him that Anna had drawn since my last visit. All were nude. He had an excellent body, but his poses lacked interest and creativity. I told him he had done very well and should be very proud but I could help him take it to the next level.

We both undressed and I marveled out how well built he was. That seemed to add to his confidence. He said he had a buddy who owned weights and they lifted together. I suggested poses and then I would get into my own complimentary pose beside him. Anna drew both of us. When he saw how great he looked on a piece of paper next to me, it further boosted his confidence.

I kept getting together with Anna and Patrick. I became sort of a big brother figure and we hung out. He told me he thought it was wired posing nude for his mother but he did enjoy modeling. I told him when upheld turned 18 I would help him get modeling work if he was interested. He was and I did.


Mythical Member
Apr 14, 2020
Atlanta (Georgia, United States)
50% Straight, 50% Gay
I am a nude figure model so it it customary to be 100% nude when I pose for artists, art classes, etc. I found out from another model a respected figurative artist was going to be in my area teaching a class. I had appreciated his paintings for years so I called the number listed to register for the class.

I spoke with the woman coordinating the event. I explained I am a model, not an artist. I asked if the model had been selected for the class and she said no. She asked me to email her several images. I did so immediately. I also listed my experience. She called back, said I got the job, and gave me details for the class.

This was an all day workshop on a Saturday. I arrived early, as I always try to. I met the woman I had talked to on the phone and she introduced me to the artist. Then students started filtering in.

I sat off to the side to wait for the class to begin. The coordinator told me they would begin in two minutes. There wasn't anywhere screened off for me to undress so I went into the bathroom to get ready.

When I came back out I was fully nude. The artist was up on the model stand where I would pose. I was at the back of the class. When he saw me he stopped his speech to the group and asked what I was doing. I said I was just waiting until he was finished talking before I got up to pose. He asked where my costume was. I told him I didn't have a costume since it was a figure class.

By now the group of about 20 students all turned to look at me. Then the artist said I must have misunderstood because this was a portrait class. I told him I was not aware of that when I was hired. He looked at the coordinator and she told him she assumed I knew.

The students had not expected to see a nude man so the expressions, were a combination of surprise, horror, disgust, as well as smiles and giggles.

The artist looked around and quickly spotted some white fabric in a corner. He called me up front and asked me to get on the model stand. I was standing up there with all eyes glued to my unexpected nudeness while he went to the back of the room. I had never felt so under dressed in my life!

He returned to my side with the fabric and a broom. He wrapped the fabric around me, to look like a toga and unscrewed the handle from the broom to use as a prop. Then the class began. At the end of the day it was just the artist, the coordinator and I left in the room. I apologized for my misunderstanding and he told me it was not my fault and said the coordinator should have made me aware of what he would be teaching.

Then he laughed and asked if I had seen the expression on the older woman's face. He said it looked like she was a Nun who had never seen a man's body. He said she certainly got more than she bargained for.


Mythical Member
Apr 14, 2020
Atlanta (Georgia, United States)
50% Straight, 50% Gay
Thanks for sharing. Your modelling experiences are quite interesting

The woman from your last story who wanted to take you home to show her husband what a real man looked like - what was her build / figure do you remember?

How does your wife feel about those types of comments etc.

Sorry, I missed your comment earlier. She was attractive and had a nice figure with big tits but pretty much everything looked like she had paid to have it!

Thankfully, my wife laughs when I tell her about these experiences. In this case her friend also called her, expressing embarrassment over how the women were acting.
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Mythical Member
Apr 14, 2020
Atlanta (Georgia, United States)
50% Straight, 50% Gay
Nearly all of the modeling I have done is for artists or students who are drawing or painting. There have only been a few times I have posed for a sculpting class. It is a different experience from my typical modeling jobs.

When I pose for drawing it is customary to begin with quick poses to loosen the artists up and gradually increase time to the longest pose at the end. For a sculpting class it requires a single pose that I have to get back into after each break. One sculpting class I modeled for was a six week job. Each week when I returned I would have to do a set up session with everyone to get back into that same pose.

Drawings or paintings are two dimensional, so each artist captures my body from a specific angle. For a sculpting class it is a unique experience because every artist has to see me from every angle. Sometimes they use a rotating stand for the model and move it periodically so the artists can work on all sides of their sculptures. I was posing for one class where they all moved while I stayed in place.

As a model you have to realize the artists results may or may not look like you. Sometimes the difference between their work and my reality is flattering but generally it is not. It has more to do with their skills, or lack thereof, than how I looked posing but it can still be unnerving to think what they achieved was their impression of me.

Serious artist will take the necessary time to make each part look right. For those who are just beginning to learn sculpting many are sort of shy about making male genitalia look anatomically correct. In a multi week session you can often see where the students go back and completely change those parts as they see how others did it.

It still aurprises me how prudish people can be about the human body, and especially the male body. It seems that anyone who gets that flustered by a penis would avoid a class where they know they will encounter one.


Mythical Member
Apr 14, 2020
Atlanta (Georgia, United States)
50% Straight, 50% Gay
I love the surprise and adventure that comes with my modeling assignments. one of the artist/instructors I have modeled for called to say one of the students from his class I had posed for contacted him to see if he had my contact info. He told the student he would check with me to see if it was OK.

It turned out there were three students from the class who wanted to continue perfecting their art during the summer months. By pooling their resources they could easily afford my modeling fee.

After I gave my OK for the student to call I heard from Eric the next day. I actually recalled who he was and I admired his artistic skill. He told me I had been his favorite of all the models they had last semester. We set up a time and I posed for him and his two buddies yesterday. The three guys are all going to be seniors this fall and very serious about their art.

Eric, Braden, and Luis all live together in a big old house near their campus and share it with several other students. They had an area set up in the sun room that they used for their studio. There was great light in the space so it was perfect for them. As for me, let's just say it is a good thing I am not shy! The sunroom door was where all of the roommates and their friends came and went and there was a constant flow in and out during the three hours I posed.

The three of them were the only ones from the group who are art students and therefore the rest of them weren't accustomed to seeing a nude model. I felt somewhat like a zoo animal with everyone gathered around my cage to view me!

Its always interesting to see and hear reactions when people see a nude guy unexpectedly. There are nervous giggles, one guy said, "Oh God, I don't need to see that!" And quickly moved on. One of the girls said, "Can I please have him in my room when you are done with him?" I guess it's flattering but she was close to my own daughter's age so it was also kind of freaky. If my daughter had heard her say it she would be grossed out.

The art the three friends produced made it all worthwhile. I did tell them if they wanted to do it again I was open to it but hoped they could come up with an alternate space that was not so busy and distracting, for their sake and mine.


Mythical Member
Apr 14, 2020
Atlanta (Georgia, United States)
50% Straight, 50% Gay
This week has been hot and humid. I had a modeling assignment one day for an artist (I will call him Rob) at his home studio. When I arrived he let me know his air conditioning wasn't working. He said we could either work in his studio with a fan blowing on me or outside in the shade where there was some air moving. I opted for outside.

We walked around and found a shady spot where there was a bit of a breeze so both of us could be pretty comfortable. I undressed and Rob got his easel and supplies set up. I had just gotten into my first pose when his phone rang and it was a repair man coming to fix the air conditioning. He told the guy he was in the back yard so to call again when he arrived.

We proceeded with our work and about 10 minutes later Rob's phone rang again. He excused himself to go let the guy in. In a minute both men were coming out of the house. The repair man was a bit surprised to see a naked guy out in the yard. His eyes bounced back and forth between not wanting to be caught looking at me and not being able to avoid it!

Rob showed him the air conditioning unit just around the corner on the side of the house. They talked a minute and then Rob returned and the guy went back in the house. He reappeared with some tools and got to work. The way I was posed I could see him but Rob couldn't. By then he wasn't hiding the fact he was enjoying the view.

Rob and I finished that pose and He directed me how he wanted me to pose next. It happened to be directly facing the AC guy. My dick had not been I full view until then. He stared, smiled, and gave me a thumbs up. He knew he needed to make some progress on his work so he turned and got to it. Then he turned back, turned to face me, smiled and walked towards us.

He told Rob he needed to go to their warehouse to get the part he needed to fix it and should be back in half an hour. Rob told him he could leave out the side gate and come back in that way. Once he was gone Rob apologized for the lack of privacy. I told him i thought it was funny how the guy had pretended he wasn't looking but kept coming back for another look. He said it was a good thing he had a service plan and wasn't paying the guy by the hour.

When the AC guy returned I was in my final pose. It was a long pose so after he had installed the part I was still in it. He came walking towards us and even altered his course a bit to see me from another angle. He said he had always dreamed of posing nude. Rob thought he was a jerk so he didn't acknowledge the comment.

After Rob signed the paperwork the guy couldn't stall any longer. He finally left. Rob apologized again and I told him not to worry about it. I joked and told him just to promise not to call me to do a duo pose with the AC guy. He laughed and said I didn't have to ever worry about that.


Cherished Member
Mar 28, 2020
Sydney City (New South Wales, Australia)
Clearly you take the modelling work seriously and you seem very good at what you do. You said you had a good physique etc
Do you think if your cock wasn’t as large flaccid as what it is (I think you said 6” long and a good girth soft?), would that have changed much of the modelling assignments etc, is that something that maybe swayed people to request you for over others? Maybe helped you pick up a little more? Or just your look and professionalism in how you go about modelling?

I ask that with the awareness that if your were crap at modelling they wouldn’t ask you to model, regardless of cock size.

A girl friend of mine told me that she used to draw some nude models (classroom setting) and she remembers one guy had very long big balls lol - she was quite young and impressionable.


Mythical Member
Apr 14, 2020
Atlanta (Georgia, United States)
50% Straight, 50% Gay
Clearly you take the modelling work seriously and you seem very good at what you do. You said you had a good physique etc
Do you think if your cock wasn’t as large flaccid as what it is (I think you said 6” long and a good girth soft?), would that have changed much of the modelling assignments etc, is that something that maybe swayed people to request you for over others? Maybe helped you pick up a little more? Or just your look and professionalism in how you go about modelling?

I ask that with the awareness that if your were crap at modelling they wouldn’t ask you to model, regardless of cock size.

A girl friend of mine told me that she used to draw some nude models (classroom setting) and she remembers one guy had very long big balls lol - she was quite young and impressionable.

I do take modeling seriously. I have a passion for it and I believe that over everything else is why i have a good reputation. I think my penis size sometimes works in my favor and sometimes does not. Gay men tend to like working with hung models. Female artists and instructors are less likely to be comfortable with it. Over there years many more women than men actually draw or paint my penis smaller than it is. I think they get embarrassed that it will be the focus of their art. I have heard about male models who have big dicks that think that will be their ticket to success as an artist's model. They either get bored with it because they see the artists or more interested in the rest of their body or some arrive very horny and think their dick is the star of the show and end up getting an erection and they are never asked back.

My physique used to be quite nice and I would say is OK now that I am 48. In my photos here on this site you can see some of my modeling pix in folders labeled that way and current pix in a folder called My Dad Bod. I think there is a misconception an artist's model has to have a good body. In general artists appreciate bodies that are interesting to draw or paint. A muscular body provides that but so does an obese one. In my case where my body falls into the more average category I work harder at giving the artists interesting poses.


Mythical Member
Apr 14, 2020
Atlanta (Georgia, United States)
50% Straight, 50% Gay
I had a modeling assignment for a college drawing class. I was one of just three models the instructor used throughout the semester so many of the student's art project were of me. When it came time for their senior show a lot of the pieces on display were of me.

When I am able to I like to attend the shows. I noticed there was a little old lady who seemed mesmerized by many of the images where I was the model. She was with a couple who I later learned were her daughter and son-in-law. As they moved on, apparently more captivated by some of the other art, the older woman lingered back and they had to keep coaxing her forward.

As I was viewing the show I saw the older woman with one of the female students from the class whose art was on display. The woman was pointing at me. The younger one brought her over to me and told me her grandmother realized i was the model and asked to meet me.

She was a feisty lady. She winked at me and had a coy look on her face. She asked if I liked older woman. Before I could even answer she said I was probably too young for her. Then she looked me over and told me she wished she had been in the class I modeled for. I asked what kind of art she did and she said she was not an artist but sure did like men. Her granddaughter thanked me and pulled her away before her grandmother could say more.


Mythical Member
Apr 14, 2020
Atlanta (Georgia, United States)
50% Straight, 50% Gay
A few years ago I had a modeling assignment at a community art center. It was for an 8 week Figure Drawing Class. I was hired for half of the sessions, posing every other week. There was a female model for the other sessions. It's quite common for there to be more females in most classes. In that particular one there was a female instructor, 9 female students and one male student.

Eli appeared to be in his late 20's. He was flirting with the women and they were enjoying it. As I arrived for my second session a group of them were all standing around talking before the class started. One of the women mentioned she wanted to get a tattoo but was afraid of how her mother would react. She was in her 30's or 40's so it would seem she was beyond the age where she should be that concerned. There were two women in the group who were likely in the 60's and one of them said, "I heard it is quite common for younger people to have tattoos all over the place." The other one said, "even where the sun doesn't shine." Eli got a big smile on his face and said, "I do. Want to see?" And he reached for his belt buckle. He would have dropped his pants right there to proudly show them off. The instructor quickly put a stop to it.

After the class I got dressed and hung out talking to the instructor for a few minutes. When I went out to my car Eli was waiting to talk to me. He said I was so lucky getting to be naked in front of all the women. He told me he had a big dick so they would probably like looking at him too. I told him dick size was not all that important for this type of modeling. He said but your dick is big and they hired you. I responded they hired me because I am passionate about modeling and am good at providing interesting poses and I am able to stay still throughout the sessions.

He said he wished he could try it. I asked if he really thought modeling looked enjoyable or if he just liked the idea of getting naked in front of women. He said after watching me for a couple weeks he thought it looked like he would enjoy it. He asked if I could teach him. He was quite a talented artist so I suggested if he was willing to hire me to pose for him for two hours I would work with him for an additional hour showing him how to pose.

Later that week I arrived at his apartment and did my two hours of modeling. Then I said if he was still interested he should get undressed and we would work on his posing. He quickly tossed his clothes aside and exposed a body that was a work of art in more than one sense of the word. His physique looked naturally beautiful. He was muscular but didn't look like a gym rat.

The other art was in the form of multiple tattoos and body piercings. I have none of either and have no plans to get any but I fully appreciate them on other people. I truly admired everything about his body and the art he had added to it.

We went through a bunch of poses and went in his bathroom where he could see his reflection in the large mirror to view how he looked when he posed. Afterwards he asked if I wanted a beer. We sat and talked. I told him I thought he had done pretty good at posing but should continue practicing in front of his mirror and hold a variety of poses for half an hour each to make sure he could do it and wasn't bored doing it. I explained for me posing time was for me a time to get lost in thought about other things in life.

A few weeks later, at the end of the last class, Eli asked if I was willing to come over again to critique his poses. He said he would have beer and pizza. I agreed. That weekend we got together. His posing was nearly flawless and I could tell he had really worked at it. I told him my main concern was a lot of artists and instructors prefer bodies without all the decoration his body had. But I added that I knew a woman who liked wot parking with models who did have body art.

I arranged for the two to meet and later learned they not only collaborated very well on art but also became a couple. I lost track of both of them so I am not sure how it all ended up.