Cherished Member
Apr 11, 2024
Lol yes, the DM I sent out is a photo haha but its not a set, just one photo! The last set in the shower on my page is as described also, but again it doesnt really show much in that regard, still a good set if your like the shower stuff! But again, I know people like different things!!

And yes you guys can just message me here too if you are on OF and dont want to tip to message, its honestly easier for me to read a forum than go through a ton of DM's I really do just have the tip to message on because when it was off I couldnt keep up with everything and I felt as though I wasnt giving each message the time and response they may deserve. I also want to make it clear I am and will be the only one messaging on any of my accounts as I dont want anyone speaking for me. So without any help its hard to get to a ton of messages that some other accounts might be able to!

Just bare with me because I am not on this forum every day either haha

Also thank you @Ofnelxo I appreciate it! Yeah, this site obviously doesnt bother me, and happy to be here if I can be!


Sexy Member
Oct 5, 2018
Quebec (Canada)
100% Gay, 0% Straight
Hi Nate! Would be curious to come back on the topic of the price of your sets. At first, I remember you saying it was becaude you were renting studio spaces and hiring photographs. But some of the sets since them were sold at the same price while clearly taken at home, more than probably on your phone/gear.

On a set of let’s say, 35 pictures, many of them looks the same. So instead of feeling like we get 35 different pictures, there’s more like 20, which I find kinda curious.

How do you price your sets, knowing there’s big differences in quality between them and/or expenses needed ?
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Cherished Member
Apr 11, 2024
Hey @eric-graph yeah when it comes to pricing my set, ill be honest I have been flying a bit blind with it! I have never been to another creators page and haven't seen what other people are selling or prices. With that being said I have kinda been just winging it in some respect. I know that sounds a little crazy, but in all honesty thats kinda what it is!
I either think of time/investment in a set (set and photographer) or I think about the level of comfortability I am sharing, The more exclusive and less likely you would see it somewhere else the higher in my head I will price things! I think this is why SOME of the phone content is more expensive, or similar to the full sets, its because I am usually doing things way more outside my comfort zone by myself than with a photographer.

But this is also the same reason I wont charge for just shirless photos in the the mirror that I would usually take for instagram anyways. I just post more of those and dont share certain ones on those pages.

I can understand that people in general dont want to pay if they dont have to, or pay less, I get it, but I am trying to find a line where value determines effort and exclusivity. I dont expect everyone or anyone to buy things, and again that was kinda my intention behind making a free to sub OF page, giving people the option to just pay for one off things here and there if it really is their ideal set, photo, or video and a way that can support my content! But I dont want people to ever feel pressured to buy anything either because its really not necessary


Sexy Member
Oct 5, 2018
Quebec (Canada)
100% Gay, 0% Straight
It’s not a matter of paying or not for me, as I don’t mind putting coins when there’s something I want. It’s more a matter of selling the right thing.

When you advertise for 35 pictures and a lot are the same, it cheapens the trust ^^*

I think you can understand ^^

And as I’m concerned, I would encourage you to look out others creators and how the plateforms is working. People on OF are not expecting the same content as people on Patreon, or IG’s private channel. Knowing the environnement could also inspire you as to how to suggest without showing, as there’s other creators that do it.

Austin Martin does it, Richard Heinze, scottysire and many others. Tyler Okay was not showing the peen or doing anything sexual at first and I still think that content was the most erotic I’ve ever seen.

I remember some friend who told me the only dick pick she ever received and gagged a out was a video where you were inly seeing the shadows on the wal of the man masturbating. No skin, just a shadow on the wall. This is the power of imagination ;p

Let’s talk more if you ever want ^^

Cherished Member
Apr 11, 2024
Of course!! Totally get all that! I don't want to tell you right away that things will necessarily change for pricing or the content, but I am happy to take notes. A great note is just feeling like there is duplicates of photos that you might not want to pay for, so will absolutely take note of that!
I think the main concern for me is that my page unfortunately ISNT meant to be like most other peoples onlyfans pages. And I have tried patreon, I have tried fanhouse... tbh they just suck! So although I know my page is tame in comparison, right now that was how I wanted to use my page. Build a community, push myself a bit more, share what some people have been asking for, and for any support of it I am super greatful!

Now... again all that said! Things will change in time I am sure, but I just dont want to say anything will change overnight with anything. I really want to just be as transparent with it all as possible and hopefully not give people the wrong impression!

I will say doing a little research on my end to create a better spark for you guys is a good idea! I want to keep my content fun and exciting for you all, but also while I wont be going to nudity or inherintely sexual content, trying to find a way that still makes a certain portion of the community excited to be there! Its a hard balance for me ngl haha. But we will learn!

@briansdong haha well I hope that its all a good thing! And honestly however you guys use this forum please go for it! I just want to be here if I can... but again, I wont be on here very often. Just thought I would jump in if people want to talk to me

Alsoooo I have a lot of work to do tonight, but plan on going on live on OF tonight, incase anyone wants to chat more. I probably wont be on till late, like 1am est. But just a heads up!
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Experimental Member
Jul 22, 2019
Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada) I bought your butt photo getting into the shower and it was PERFECT! I’d love for you to do more butt content (photos AND videos)…even in costume would be great! I would’ve bought the Astarion set if your butt was shown. OMG! I can’t even begin to tell you how fast I’d buy a Hercules butt photo/video set.


Admired Member
Platinum Gold
Jan 6, 2023
New York, NY, USA
90% Gay, 10% Straight
Hey @eric-graph yeah when it comes to pricing my set, ill be honest I have been flying a bit blind with it! I have never been to another creators page and haven't seen what other people are selling or prices. With that being said I have kinda been just winging it in some respect. I know that sounds a little crazy, but in all honesty thats kinda what it is!
I either think of time/investment in a set (set and photographer) or I think about the level of comfortability I am sharing, The more exclusive and less likely you would see it somewhere else the higher in my head I will price things! I think this is why SOME of the phone content is more expensive, or similar to the full sets, its because I am usually doing things way more outside my comfort zone by myself than with a photographer.

But this is also the same reason I wont charge for just shirless photos in the the mirror that I would usually take for instagram anyways. I just post more of those and dont share certain ones on those pages.

I can understand that people in general dont want to pay if they dont have to, or pay less, I get it, but I am trying to find a line where value determines effort and exclusivity. I dont expect everyone or anyone to buy things, and again that was kinda my intention behind making a free to sub OF page, giving people the option to just pay for one off things here and there if it really is their ideal set, photo, or video and a way that can support my content! But I dont want people to ever feel pressured to buy anything either because its really not necessary
For me, the price isn’t the problem, cause if you made spicier content I’d be throwing all the coins your way! But I also respect confirm levels… maybe someday..
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