POLL Professional Divers: who has the biggest cock? (Poll closes January 1, 2024)

Who has the biggest cock?

  • Vladimir Barbu (1998, GB)

  • Stefano Belotti (2004, ITA)

  • Jules Bouyer (2002, FRA))

  • Ruslan Cristofori (1997, ITA)

  • Tom Daley (1994, GB)

  • Anton Knoll (2004, AUT)

  • Alexis Jandard (1997, FRA)

  • Jack Laugher (1995, GB)

  • Chris Mears (1993, GB)

  • Carlos Daniel Ramos Rodríguez (2003, CU)

  • Tommaso Rinaldi (1991, ITA)

Results are only viewable after voting.


Superior Member
Jun 5, 2022
Almería, Spain
100% Straight, 0% Gay
Who has the biggest cock?
Apart two or three divers whose nude photos we saw, of all the others we could only see the bulge...
So, based on what we see, who do you think has the biggest dick?
You can look for their photos in LPSG in the threads dedicated to them or search on the net...
Below you can find them in alphabetical order for a quick reminder ;)
It's just a game...;)
- the divers are all adults
- the divers are listed in alphabetical order
- you can only vote for one diver and only once. Do not mistake!
- Check out the posts below for a quick reminder
- Check their photos carefully in LPSG... you have the right to vote! haha :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:
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From the contestants, the largest schlong is obviously attached to Erik Steinhagen, but he’s a SWIMMER not a diver.
Ahaha... I was wrong... I found it in a post that talked about divers and I thought it was... ok, just do this: since I can't edit the poll anymore. Let's look at the results excluding Steinhagen and we'll still have the winner... hehehe
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Why isn't Freddie Woodward on the poll? He uses his as a springboard!
I know, I left out many. I searched for Canadian divers but I only found Despatie.. I know you gave me other names, but I couldn't know them all... but the names I put are almost all hors category so I doubt that any of the names left out could be competitive :p ehehe then it's a game and should be taken as such... if someone wants to do a poll for nations, do it, then we'll take the winners for each nation and do a definitive poll... But among the names I've chosen there are some some very interesting, more than those that are missing ;)
Get to know them! ;) :p :p :p
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Fans and wishful thinking over believing their eyes.
But for example, I prefer Belotti, yet I voted for Barbu who certainly has the biggest cock (although Belotti we don't know, but it might surprise us...). This was a poll on the size of dick... not to vote for who you prefer... All right, if we exclude Steinhagen who I misplaced and Laugher who only gets votes for other things and not for dick, we have the real ranking.
It seems to be in the political elections... You don't vote for those who tell the truth, but you vote for whoever suits you ahaha
10 days after poll Belotti has the place it objectively deserves. If only we could see him without his briefs who knows... maybe he even beats Barbu.
In any case, given that here we vote for the bulge and the idea of dimension that we can do with what we see, the votes in favor of Laugher seem exaggerated to me. While instead it's nice that someone has noticed Ramos Rodriguez. Bouyer was known that this was more or less his position.
Let's see what changes in a month... Bye!