The life as a soccer mascot


Sexy Member
Jan 13, 2018
Cologne (North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany)
80% Gay, 20% Straight
This story has a little bit of truth in it but is mostly fictional. All characters are above the age of 18. Also, this story is not about furries or so but it has a bit of sneaker/dirty fetish in it. So if this is nothing for you just read over these parts :) If there are any similarities to real life people it is accidental. All characters are fictional.

Since English is not my first language please excuse if I make some mistakes (grammatical or choice of words).

My name is Marty, I’m 23, skinny, black-haired, sneakerhead and currently unemployed. I did not find a job after my apprenticeship and so I was looking for anything. Today was a hot summer day in mid-July. My best buddy Jay who I knew for almost 7 years now was at my apartment today. He is straight with a girlfriend but we fool around every now and then. Just guys being guys... Yesterday we watched porn together and of course one thing led to another and we jerked off next to each other before we started to beat each other’s meat. He loved being cumed on and so I eventually busted my nut all over his hot skinny body just before he came. Well, he stayed the night over and this morning we were both looking for jobs for me.

I was looking online while Jay read the local newspaper when he suddenly found something interesting. The mascot of the local soccer team retired at the end of the last season, so not the mascot itself but the guy that was in it for 35 years. Now the soccer-team was looking for a new person to fill out the role. You would get paid 100 € the hour and have to be at home games every two weeks as well as some other festivals outside soccer. You would get everything you need. Once Jay read the article to me, I quickly brushed it off but something fascinated me about this idea. I thought I would never get this job. So many other people for sure would want this job and I was just a shy nerd. Mascots have to be totally hyper and quirky, outgoing and so. I denied the idea to Jay even though he protested but understood my concerns. However, I googled for whatever reason and found another article from two weeks ago. It was almost the same but posted on Facebook. Did they wrongfully print the ad in the newspaper? Was nobody good enough? Nope, nobody showed up to the first call. I knew this from a reply in the comments section. This woke my interest even more so I asked Jay how to apply.

He said the audition for this job was today at the stadium... Oh my god! I did not think this would happen today and my mind started racing. It was 10am on a Wednesday, the audition was at 2pm.

So, the nerd that I am started googling about what I needed to know about what a mascot even does. You apparently need a very good stamina and your personality should fit the mascot’s personality. It was very common that you were in the oversized furry suit for 3-4 hours in the brightest sunshine. The costume will become a walking sauna. Dependent on how the costume’s ventilation was this might also be a problem for some people. I got a bit anxious because I don’t have the best stamina but certainly not the least. Before covid Jay and I went to the gym two to three times a week. I was mostly there to enjoy the communal showers with the hot guys (and certainly Jay). Lately we started biking since there seems no end to covid and we just wanted to do something. So, we both got us some average bikes to enjoy nature and do some kind of sport. Our favorite route was around 12km to a concealed lake where we would stop and sometimes go skinny dipping. I hoped to do bike there today too but I think the plans changed...

Let me know if you would like to get more :) Also if you want more details in future episodes, should they be longer or is the length okay?
I suddenly jumped up and smiled at Jay. We could read each other’s mind and so he pushed me towards the bathroom to take a shower and get ready. While I was in the bathroom getting ready Jay made us some breakfast. I became more nervous every minute but he calmed me down. He suggested we bike to the stadium which was around 10km away. I was fine with it even though it was mainly route through the city. I don’t like driving on the road because as a car driver myself I just hate bikers on the street. Jay asked what I was gonna wear and he protested against the clothes I chose right now. This guy... But I trust him so I let him choose my outfit for the day. He got some Aussiebum underwear, tight white shorts, a no-name blue shirt, white sneaker sox and my white Nike Air Force One for me. I put the clothes on right in front of him and he had good taste. Jay then proceeded to take my new Yeezys I just took off and put them on himself. This little rascal wanted to wear my sneakers, but I was totally cool with that. We have the same size and it’s common for us to share and swap clothes. I already told you that I am a sneakerhead, let’s specify that – I am more of a collector and like to wear them. I don’t really care about their condition; in my eyes it adds character if they have a used look. I own around 60 pairs which gets many raised eyebrows but everybody has their spleen, right?

So, it was around an hour to the audition when we grabbed our bikes and headed towards the stadium. The roads were pretty empty, thanks to summer holidays and most people either at work or somewhere else vacationing. We arrived within 20 minutes and now had over half an hour to kill. Thankfully the stadium was open and the soccer team was training for the next season. Soccer is such a fascinating sport here in Europe. It is one of the main attractions of every city. It’s more of a religion or cult to the fans. The training was nothing serious and Jay and I just watched it, sitting in the shadows on the stand. Not many other people were around. It seems like all spectators had some kind official uniform (like a shirt or jogger) from the club. This was until some beefy blond-haired guy arrived. He immediately caught my attention because of his big guns and hot look. He was wearing a tank-top, pretty revealing lycra shorts and not much else. He must be some kind of athlete with a fascinating V-form and did I already tell he was super muscular too. Also, his face was pretty sweet which I realized when he caught me glancing at him. He started to smile and walked over to us. This stud asked if we were here for the audition und my heart sunk – please let this not be my competition. I would have no chance against him. His name was Pascal and of course he was my competition...

We had a few minutes left to talk and we found out that he was indeed a former athlete. Pascal was competing in national championships in track and field and now he wanted something else to do since he got too old for sports. Certainly, he was only 34 but I guess this is too old for higher ranked sports!? The soccer players on the field started to pack up and all headed towards the locker room. Pascal and I stood up, wished each other good luck and headed to the entrance where somebody would wait for us. To our surprise another guy was already waiting there too. He was a lean blond guy, pretty arrogant look on his face, maybe 20 years old. He was wearing a tight pink shirt, really skinny Jeans with some holes in it and hot well-worn Yeezys. I liked his look and when he saw us his eyes told everything. He was a bit mad, a bit surprised, a bit pissed off to see somebody else show up for the audition. But then he proceeded to fake-smile it off and introduced himself as Dustin. After a few minutes the trainer of the soccer team came to us. His name was Coach Mike and he was happily surprised to see three guys that audition for this job. He held a kind of a speech about how important this job is. Dustin chuckled almost not noticeable but Coach Mike heard it and raised an eyebrow. He was close to kicking him off already before we even started but after Dustin apologized, he went on.

Then we went to the field where to my surprise three soccer players were still running around the pitch. Coach told us that they had to run penalty laps and that we should not pay attention to them. This was harder done than said because these guys were yelling and laughing their asses of. Coach whistled with his fingers towards them and yelled “Three more rounds! Until you are too exhausted to laugh!” He was pretty strict but then to us he was nice again. Coach asked us all about our experiences, what we want from this job and why we are the correct choice for this prestigious place. While everybody told him his answers, he took notes.

Then the physical test came along. He asked the three soccer players to come to our group and introduced us. They were drenched in sweat and out of breath but still had a good attitude. Fabian and Felix were two brothers, they were the instigators of the “bullshit”, as Coach Mike says it. And Charlie was apparently the captain of the team. Once our eyes met, I felt something. Was this the sexiest man on the planet? He had black hair, light blue eyes, a face like an angel with a scruffy beard and his statue, at least the parts that were visible, was like a Greek god. He had the sleeves of his shirt rolled up to reveal his muscular biceps. I had to pay attention not to drool too much.

I caught myself a few moments after to not make anything awkward. Coach told them to pick one of us. Charlie picked Pascal, the older brother Fabian picked me and Felix got Dustin. Once pairs got assigned, we had to run laps around the field. One, two, three... I was totally out of breath, thank god I had my shorts on. Pascal had no problems at all, you could tell he was an all-star athlete. He ran an extra leg - such a show off... Dustin and Felix were the slowest pair, probably because they were talking a lot. And the fact that Dustin wore tight Jeans didn’t help. The last half lap they just walked because Dustin could not run anymore.

When we were all standing there pumping for air Coach Mike came back. He was pleased with all of us for not giving up. The cardio for some could be better but at least nobody quit and this is the right attitude for this job. It will get difficult but you have to do it at your own pace and you will get to the goal. He then had another challenge for us. He wanted us to kick some balls. I don’t know what this had to do with our job application but he’s the coach...
While we ran around the soccer field the gras got watered by the automatic water sprinklers, therefor the gras was wet and pretty slippery. Coach asked the soccer players who were about to leave if they could lend their cleats with us. They had no problem with that and started untying their shoes. I was thankful for that because running in Nike Air Force is something but playing soccer on slippery gras – impossible. I got the yellow Nike Magista with the soc-fabric on the top from Fabian. I took my AFOs off and slipped into the sweat-drenched shoes from him. It was kinda disgusting but also superhot. After putting one shoe on I regretted not putting on proper socks instead of the low-cut sneaker socks, so I awkwardly asked Fabian if he could lend me his long tube-socks too. He agreed under the proposition that he could wear my shoes until he gets his stuff back. He would not want to run around barefoot here. I was fine with that. Fabian put my Air Force on with his bare feet. He did not want my socks so he just put them in his pocket.

Charlie gave his shoes to Pascal, even though his size was a bit small for him. Dustin however was not pleased. Felix gave him his shoes which made Dustin visibly and audibly gag. He put his foot in Felix’ shoe but pulled it out right after it. Coach Mike came to him and asked what’s wrong. The arrogant prick wasn’t happy with how soaked with sweat and how smelly these shoes were. Coach took one shoe, held it close to his nose and inhaled once. Then he shrugged it off, put his hand inside to feel how wet they were. He also shrugged it off, spit inside the shoe and threw the shoe back towards Dustin. Coach Mike started to yell at Dustin to not be a pussy and put the damn shoe on. The blond youngling seemed to be surprised and impressed but then followed the instruction with disgust and defeat on his face.

As we three guys for the job were now ready Charlie, Fabian and Felix sat down next to the field. Felix and Charlie took their former partners sneakers away from the field. As we started to play ball on the field my eyes glanced over to the three guys sitting in the gras behind the goal. Dustin was facing them with his back so he could not see what’s happening. Felix grabbed one of Dustin’s Yeezys and held it close to his nose. He raised his eyebrows as he gave the shoe to his older brother. He did the same. After that Felix just put the Yeezys on. You could tell they weren’t happy with Dustin and how rude he was to the younger brother. The looks said it all...

We shot now goals towards the net where the three guys were sitting. Once all balls were shot, I had to get the balls back. I ran towards the goal net and overheard the three guys. I did not hear anything but something about “learn a lesson” as they stood up, laughing and going towards the locker room.

The soccer practice with the ball was quite short-lived and so Coach Mike gathered us all. He was happy with all of us and wanted to see us wearing the costume now. The mascot costume which is a standing lion with a shirt of the soccer team on was in the room next to the locker room and he gave Pascal the first spot. Dustin and I sat on the wet grass and waited. After 10 minutes Pascal came back out with a sad look on his face. Why wasn’t he wearing the mascot suit? He told Coach that he was just too big for the outfit. His big muscular upper-body would not fit inside the costume. This surprised us all and with a sad look Coach told him that Pascal was out. If he wanted, he could go take a shower now.

And then there were just two... Dustin and I. It was me that was now able to go into the locker room to put on the costume. Walking in cleats on hard ground always gave this clack-clack sound which kinda aroused me a little. Somehow this was weirdly hypnotizing even though I knew it came from myself. I went into the small house on the side of the pitch and looked to the left and then the right. There were no signs, but I heard people giggling. This piqued my interest and so I followed the giggles. It got louder and it got pretty clear to me that it was from the locker room the soccer guys were in. I was about to knock but the door was open and what I saw, stopped me in my motion. I froze.

Fabian, Charlie and Felix all did take off their pants and underwear and stood in a circle. They were all jerking their cocks with Fabian holding one of Dustin’s Yeezy in the middle. Charlie was about to bust. His eyes were closed, then he peaked a little bit, saw me standing in the door and opened both eyes just to wink at me and in the same moment shot his massive load inside Dustin’s Yeezy. They kept on saying “soaked with sweat my ass”, “smelly”, “disgusting huh?” and “Hope we will learn his lesson”. Also somebody said “I hope the nerd gets picked”... Did I hear that right or was I fantasizing?

Felix shot his cum right after Charlie finished. The first shot must have missed and hit his brother because Fabian flinched a bit. It was such an obscure scene but it got me sooo hard right at the spot. Fabian came then a few seconds after and shot all his cum deep in this well-worn grey Yeezy. I was still frozen and could not move. My jaw was on the floor. What was happening here?
Charlie then smiled at me and asked if I wanted to join. I would’ve loved to but did not want to be suspicious and take too much time. So, I asked where the mascot locker room was. Charlie, semi naked as he still was at the moment, walked past me. The door was so small that his now semi-hard cock touched my hand which left some of the remaining cum on me. I did not mind and followed him. Behind his back I quickly raised my hand and licked the drip of salty cum off it. He showed me the room but then took my hand and pulled me back into the guy’s locker.

Fabian had a challenge for me... Since one of “that pricks” shoes were now soaked with cum we wanted to soak the other it with something different. I looked at him like a deer in headlights and did not pick up any clue. He then went a step further, so he handed me the dry Yeezy from Dustin. Right at this moment Pascal came into the room. He just came out the showers and did not have a towel on. What an Adonis! Every muscle was defined and since everybody stopped talking and just watched him prance, he looked back and said “What?”. This snapped us all back into reality. Fabian told me to go in the shower and piss in this assholes Yeezys. I hesitated for a second but Fabian pushed me into the room that Pascal just came out of. He took the shoe from me and threw it on the ground. It was still such an obscure scene being there with four totally naked guys in my vicinity, three of them just busted a nut in another guy’s shoe and now they wanted me to piss in the other... I guess I had to do it so I whipped out my semi-hard cock and tried to concentrate. To my surprise Fabian next to me on the right started to piss right away and aimed for the Yeezy. It splashed all over but the main part went inside the expensive shoe. What I didn’t notice until now was that Fabian was still wearing my Air Force sockless. This almost got me hard again but I then started to piss. Well, here comes the problem with pissing with a hard cock – the aim is not the best.

Felix who now stood next to me on the left side also started urinating. His stream was all over the place. It hit the wall, the ground, some of it went inside the aimed target. Well accidentally my stream splashed on his bare feet and so he wanted some revenge and aimed his piss at my feet – which were still in Fabian’s soccer boots. A quick “Hey” and then Fabian held his feet in my piss-stream to soak my Air Force. I quickly aimed towards something else but I think the damage was done. Well, I did not really care so I finished and packed my cock back inside my pants. They quickly said “See you later” and I left to get dressed in the room next door. What was happening here? My mind was racing and I began to get a bit dizzy but caught myself.

The costume room was just a one-person locker room. Just one small bench and not much else, maybe one to two square meters. I took off my shorts and stepped right inside the costume. It fit and was not as heavy as I was expecting it to be. The head was the most important thing and it was a little bit claustrophobic at first but if you get used to it, it’s fine. The sight was better than expected. But what I instantly noticed was the heat. It was really like a mobile sauna. With this outfit I now went outside to greet Coach Mike and the others.

I don’t know what I was thinking or what possessed me but once I went outside the locker room area I was in full character. I was waving to each and everybody, blowing kisses and dancing like a maniac. I acted totally over the top. Once I was where Coach Mike and Dustin were sitting, Coach told me that I should run one or two laps. I followed his advice and ran two laps, although not as fast as the first time we ran. It was so incredible hot and exhausting inside but I pulled through. Coach was satisfied with me and said that I passed the test. He wanted to give Dustin his shot now. I expected a little bit more testing so I had another small routine before we then headed back to the locker room, together with Dustin on my side. On our way over there he complimented me and was asking how hot it was. I gave him my honest answer and since my clothes were absolutely drenched, I advised him to take his clothes off, especially since he was wearing freaking Jeans.

As we went into the dressing area, we heard the showers going and the guys talking. Pascal was already dressed and waited for us. He wanted to say goodbye and left. Once we came to the small mascot locker room, I went inside and to my surprise Dustin followed. It was not much space but he closed the door. I started with taking off the costume while I heard him getting out of these damn shoes. I had my back turned to him so I did not see what he was doing. All I could hear was a Zipper followed by the noise a Jeans makes when it gets pulled down. I realized he helped me then with taking the costume off and once I turned around, I saw him in his flesh – completely naked!

His lean, pale body had not one hair on him. His cock was twitching and already semi-hard. Dustin looked me in the eye and bit on his underlip. His hungry eyes told everything. I was just surprised by this and once again frozen, but I was intrigued. “You told me to take off my clothes.” This, a wink and all it took was a few moments after and he jumped forward to press his lips onto mine. He kissed me with a passion I had never felt. I kissed him back. He had me pressed against the wall and took the control. Between his perfectly white teeth this prick hissed “quick” and went down with his face. He licked my neck and his hands wandered south. He quickly pulled my underwear down to reveal my rock-hard cock. Without any hesitation he rammed my cock inside his throat. This guy was a cock whore! He was hungry for some serious dick and I let it happen. This macho asshole blew like a young god. His saliva was plenty and made me even harder. His one hand was holding my neck a little bit choking me, the other played with my balls and perineum. I was so horned up already from what was happening earlier that it did not last long until I blew my load. This cocksucker took my load like a champ and no drop was wasted. Then he came back up and started to kiss me again – of course with a little bit of cum still in his mouth. We exchanged the last drop of my load and then he pulled up my underwear. I wanted to grab his cock and please him but he just replied with “Later” and started to put on the mascot costume. He was still naked what was certainly hot. I realized that he had no underwear anywhere so he must’ve worn his Jeans commando.

I quickly gathered myself and then went to the toilets to cool a bit down before heading outside. I sat down Coach Mike and we had a chill chat... I have no clue if Coach had any idea what was going on in the locker room area...
After a little bit of small talk with the Coach I relaxed. I was exhausted. My shirt was dripping in sweat, the high socks of Fabian which I still wore were now absolutely drenched with sweat of two guys, same for his soccer boots. I thought about how to get home because I did not bring any changing clothes but I would figure it out... Also thinking about that blowjob a few minutes ago I started to get a guilty conscience. He still deserved the soaking of his sneakers by the soccer guys but why were I involved in this? He did not do any harm to me. But before I finished my thoughts Dustin came out. It was funny knowing he was completely naked under the costume. Even if he still had a raging boner, you could not tell. Good to know, I thought to myself.

He was not as enthusiastic as I was but he still did what was his job. Coach said he should also run one to two laps and after one lap he stopped being out of breath. He did what is a red flag to all mascots – and took his head off. Coach Mike instantly yelled at him but he could not care less. His head was read as a tomato. His blond hair, previously nicely styled, was totally destroyed and a mess. Dustin had to lay down to cool off. He kinda collapsed on the ground which led Coach Mike to yell for help. You could hear his concern in his voice. A few seconds later the three soccer guys came running out the locker room, all wearing just a towel wrapped around their under-torso, Felix wearing one sock too. Charlie saw what was happening first and was quickest, but while running lost his towel. He ran now completely naked towards Dustin and me and did not care at all. That is the spirit a soccer player has, I guess...

I quickly looked around and only Jay and one other person were still around. Jay was on his phone, I don’t think he realized what was happening. I lost all sense of time so I had no idea how long we were there.

Charlie, Felix and Fabian helped Dustin up and left me sitting in the gras. They all went into the locker room. Coach Mike came to me, put his hand out and helped me up to congratulate me.

I got the job!

I could not believe it. I stared at him for like a good 30 seconds before realizing what was happening. “Now go, take a shower” he advised me.

I was happy. I could not believe what he said to me. I got it! I was smiling from ear to ear and followed the four other guys, Charlie still walking naked. On my way to the locker room, I picked up the towel he lost. Once inside I quickly asked if Dustin was okay which he thankfully was. He just did not drink enough and it was too hot for him. He’d never been into a sauna either so he wasn’t used to the heat. Felix helped him out of the costume and everybody was surprised that he was totally naked underneath. He laughed it off and once again I was in a room with four naked guys, two of them still wrapped in a towel. So, I quickly started to take my clothes off, starting with the shirt and then the wet soccer boots. Don’t know if it was piss or sweat that made them that wet but I gave them back to Fabian. I also gave him his socks back, so he gave me my Air Forces back. I could still see some piss marks outside them and once he handed them to me, I felt the wetness. He revealed his white teeth and shrugged with his shoulders – “Happens”. Yeah, I guess... I wasn’t mad, it made me kinda horny tbh.

I continued disrobing and then followed Dustin in the showers. We both took our time soaping up and washing the stress away. He was again hard as a rock which led me to being semi hard too. Nothing else happened there and after a few minutes we both finished the rinse. We left the showers and came back to the other guys sitting there fully clothed in their jogging suit. They gave us towels and watched us dry off. Felix already got the clothes from Dustin out the mascot locker room. I was about to put my sweaty clothes back on when Charlie stopped me. He asked if I didn’t bring any spare clothes. I said No, that I did not expect to be as sweaty. We all laughed. Charlie got me a jogging suit from the local soccer club too. I just put it on without any underwear. I was looking for my socks but they were missing, no idea where they went. So, I just put my bare feet in my wet Air Force. Dustin put on his Jeans, shirt and socks and then got his Yeezys... Man his face was unbelievable. First, he got the pissed one. It wasn’t as obvious that it was piss since it cooled off. The shoe was just wet when he put his socked feet in. He stopped for a second, then smirked and shook his head while putting it completely on. Then he got the cumed Yeezy. He looked inside, the cum was now clear but still visible. The other three guys held their breath. You could hear a needle fall. Dustin dipped his finger in the cum, smelled it and then licked it. He raised his eyebrow and then asked who it was. Charlie, Fabian and Felix started to howl. They laughed their asses off due to their prank. Dustin and I started laughing too, what else could you do. Dustin finished “I prefer it fresh” before putting his Yeezy back on and told them “You got me guys. Good job.”

I put my soaked shirt and short in the locker room where the mascot costume now was since this was now officially “mine”.

While Dustin and I left the locker room area each of our steps left a squelching sound due to the wetness of our sneakers. For me it was just the left one, but it was still weird. I walked over to Jay, he hugged me and then we took our bikes. Dustin came over to me and passed me a small note. I read it and put it in my pocket, it was his number and a big “Congrats”.

Jay and I drove to a near snack bar, got us a small snack and then drove to our favorite lake. We relaxed for the rest of the day at our private resort. Nobody was there, so when we arrived, we both just took of our clothes and went for it. I don’t know how long we’ve been there naked in the lake. After a while we came out and let the sun dry us. We just laid there. Suddenly Jay said “Your sneaker smell like piss” which led to response “Glad it’s just piss and not cum” ... I smiled, Jay got confused and threw my Air Force in the lake. I quickly ran to the water, swam after them and got my now soaked shoes back.

Again, the sun dried us until... “Dude, I’m horny as fuck...”

For now this is the end. If you enjoyed reading it, leave a like :) As mentioned english is not my first language so I'm not that eloquent and fluent in it. Hope you didn't mind :)