Your Erection Direction - A Specific Cause or Totally Random?


Sexy Member
Sep 4, 2007
Portland (Oregon, United States)
100% Straight, 0% Gay
From observation it seems that erections generally fall into three categories: straight, upward, or downward. Is there any specific thing that causes the different shapes? I myself have an upward curve that bends a little to the right (probably due to masturbation) and my erections are really intense/rock hard. The downward guys in porn never look fully hard and i was wondering if that's the case with you guys that have the same shape.
Mine is straight fully hard with a slight curve to the left thanks to wanking with my left hand for about 2 decades :)
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My slight downward curve is most likely due to me trying to tuck my constant erections away during those uncontrollable years.
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I grew up in tighty whiteys and switched to boxers in my early 20s. My teenage erections went whichever side my cock decided to fall when I got dressed in the morning, and I would have a hard left or hard right, or a hard up at some point each day. Hopefully it was in the middle of a class.

It seems like a lot of dudes go for "concorde" style - pointed straight down, and if in tight pants or too tighty whiteys, nowhere to go but further down and bursting out when hard and cramped but bending up. If this was your cock at some point in your development, and you kept it there, I would expect a "gonzo", and a downcurve when hard.

I haven't discussed this with most guys who have a gonzo, largely because I was wowed by their size, and more interested in stuffing my mouth. But I think this is an interesting discussion - and obviously most of our penises only develop fully after the age of 18, but when you were over the age of 18 and your penis was still developing, where did it point and do you think the many years you pointed it there made a shape difference.

Remember your adolescence is not the point of this discussion, so please restrict any experiences to penis growth after the age of 18, and take the rest to a teen boy discussion group.

You penis down/side-curve is the point of this.

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When I was younger, my erection pointed straight up, slapping against my stomach (I loved that). With age, my boners now point straight out.

My penis has a slight curve to the left (see my pics). This is due to the fact that it always ends up hanging down my left pant leg when flaccid. I am experimenting with an attempt to correct the leftward curve by consciously adjusting my penis to hang down my right pant leg whenever possible. However, I am skeptical about my chances for success as my left-leg habit was established many years ago.


I grew up in tighty whiteys and switched to boxers in my early 20s. My teenage erections went whichever side my cock decided to fall when I got dressed in the morning, and I would have a hard left or hard right, or a hard up at some point each day. Hopefully it was in the middle of a class.

Ha Ha Ha I was the same. I never used to pay attention which side my cock fell on. Reading "Romeo & Juliet" always made me hard.

It seems like a lot of dudes go for "concorde" style - pointed straight down, and if in tight pants or too tighty whiteys, nowhere to go but further down and bursting out when hard and cramped but bending up. If this was your cock at some point in your development, and you kept it there, I would expect a "gonzo", and a downcurve when hard.

That's the way I always dressed...Cock straight down over my balls (how it naturally hung. I just pulled briefs on), and adjusted myself to fit (around my balls if I was hanging high that day). But my briefs weren't super tight... and a basket was made by my cock and balls stretching the cotton after a while. Usually wore khakis (jeans weren't part of the dress code) or cords.

When hard, I don't down curve (Never did, except when I got erections in my briefs). I stand straight up.
Ive got i pretty good upward curve and i "hang" or point slightly right. I jerk left or right handed, i dont think that has affected anything. I wore tighty whities in my younger days and my meat was always tucked to the right. Random daily boners would leave my junk smashed upwards, i also mostly sleep on my stomach, and since it wont realky naturally point down, more smashing upwards unto my current "u" shape. I have tried tucking my meat downwards and to the left for years but nothing has changed. I get a lot of compliments on my curve and an up curve seems to be favored by most so i dont really care. My erections are rock hard, i can bend my dick more into the curve when hard, but bending it opposite the curve "concord" style lol is iimpoible.
i have banana downcurve rock hard. had it my whole life. my erection angle at base is about two oclock. end of my dick is at 3 oclock due to the curve
Like everything else I think it comes down to genetics and development in the womb. I would think that since the penis has no bones and all spongy tissue it could develop slightly curved depending on the size and position of the fetus. Obviously a penis that is longer probably will have a slight left right curve more than a shorter one since it will hang to the side rather than a shorter one that sticks straight out. I'm no doctor and this is all my opinion.
Rock hard I am almost straight up but bend slightly to my right. I think the reason for the bend is from getting hard with clothes on, my cock would lay to the side so the head was at my pockets.
If you're old enough, you probably switched which hand you use since the invention of the internet and mouse. I used to ue my right, but now the mouse gets it, so lefty is employed. :p
i belive my curve can tickle a girls right kidney but thats just me
I point up almost vertically when hard with a slight sideways curve. I'm not sure if there's any correlation with how I wear my penis. But I point up in my cycling gear, and in my regular clothes it sort of ends up to the side. And I'm very happy as it is, don't feel any urge to correct the curve or something.
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Str8 out for me with a very slight right curve
curve to the left

It was like this before I had jerked off enough to make it change though. Here's my theory as to the left/right curves, its probably wrong but might mean something. The doctor that cirumcised many of us, what if the doc was left or right handed? Do their hands have anything to do with the procedure (is it like a little plastic thing that goes on the foreskin evenly to help make the cut, or is it the doctor's hands)??? The foreskin might have been slightly different on either side depending on the hand he used for cutting. Maybe as we grow older and develop, there is a slight bit of tightness different on one side versus the other? This would pull more on, in my case, the left side, allowing the right to be as big as it wants to be, and as thousands of spontaneous erections occur between birth and a couple years old, the development and eventual shape of our penis winds up turning left or right as a result of the way we were cut.

This is totally an idea/theory I've concocted in my brain and is nothing I've read about. But I read about the large amount of erections infants up to toddlers have regularly (which is just something natural that happens due to human biology, nothing about arousal or anything like that) and thought "maybe circumcision has something to do with my curve?"
This is totally an idea/theory I've concocted in my brain and is nothing I've read about. But I read about the large amount of erections infants up to toddlers have regularly (which is just something natural that happens due to human biology, nothing about arousal or anything like that) and thought "maybe circumcision has something to do with my curve?"

Uncut people also have curved cocks, including myself. So no I don't think there is a correlation!

You have a beatiful curve IMHO!