About to have a nervous breakdown.

I've been going crazy lately, I don't know what to do, but I feel like I'm about to have a nervous breakdown. All I can think about is money. I even dream about money. I have zero income. I qualify for zero assistance to receive money. The only money I get comes from my father for gas and cigarettes. I already have a lot of guilt from having to ask him for money all the time, and then there's the frustration that I never have enough money for anything else. I can't take Skyler to the zoo or the skating rink, or even out to eat. When I go to the bar, I only order cokes, which are always paid for by someone else. My clothes are falling apart, and I can't afford to buy more. I have no way of getting my son a Christmas present. My cell phone has been off for over a month. The tags are expired on my car, and I don't have insurance on it. I could go on and on about all the things I need and cannot afford. I've been having panic attacks daily, sometimes 2-3 times a day. Rarely does a day go by without one. I've been missing my mom like crazy. I want her here again. School is driving me crazy with the end of the semester happening. My son has been having behavioral problems in school. He apparently has a problem with bothering other kids and talking out of turn. Nothing super horrible, but his teacher is on my ass about it so I'm on his ass about it and it's just one more thing I have to deal with. I've told him that if he can go to school this week and have good days on four out of the five days, then I'd have lunch with him at school. I don't even know how I'll afford to do that, but it's about the only thing that has worked so far. He's had good days 3 out of 4 days this week. With all this stress, anxiety, and depression that I've been dealing with, it's a fight everyday to keep from eating everything in the fridge. I've had a hard time keeping my composure today and not crying constantly. Blah. I keep telling myself that if I won the lottery, I'd be relieving so much stress... but I can't even afford a lottery ticket. :tongue: I got online today and looked up some therapists that deal often with anxiety and depression, and I intend on calling them tomorrow, but I feel fairly confident that I won't be able to afford them either. *sigh* Wish me luck.



Consider going to the Dean of Students after this semester is over and bowing out for a while. If you need to earn some money then you need to do it. An education isn't going to do you any good if you're in a psych ward. If you're scraping the bottom of your cash then you've got to do it. Get back to school when you can handle it. You sound way overwhelmed.

Hang in there Megs, follow your priorities for now. :hug:
There are often free mental health clinics near big cities are there any near you? I'm sorry things are so sucky for you right now, I wish I could help. :frown1::redface:
Oh Meggy, I'm so terribly sorry to hear that your life has burdened you with so much to worry about right now. Being in a situation where you are dealing with so many financial woes is overwhelming all on it's own. I agree with Jason and NJQT's advice so all that I'm really left to offer you is my care and support. I'm here if you need to vent.

Love ya my hunny bunny!
Meg baby, what a desperate situation you describe. Your story wrenches my inner being and my heart goes out to you. You seem such a deep and sensitive person - I've read most of your blogs. You blog about your dream guy should be read by all males in society. I'm crying with you. OMG, I wish I could be of constructive and financial to you help at this desperate time. I'll keep watching this site to see how you are doing. I'm here to listen.

You can get help for free. I think Western Missouri Mental Health on Hospital Hill can do something for free.

If you really have trouble with finding someone, call me. My family still has a good amount of pull in the Kansas City medical community.

Know that I love you and worry about you and I know that you and little man will be OK. It's just a rough patch and you are way too strong to let it get you down.
Money shouldn't be important but when you haven't got anything it suddenly dwarves the importance of anything else. I'm not sure how the benefits system works in the USA, but if you weren't at school would you qualify for assistance? If you would maybe it would be best to take a little break from the pressure and try to get back to a stable position. As for your little boy does he know what a fix you're in? He could be acting up because of your anxiety and if he knew why you were so anxious maybe it'd help him.
The only problem I have with taking a break from school is that it won't really help me. A single mother with no college education doesn't make much money. If I quit school, I wouldn't be making much, and it would really be pointless. I knew when I started school that I couldn't really afford to do it, but I couldn't afford life anyway, even when I was working. I put off going to school every fall for five years, because I was waiting till it was financially safe for me to do so, and guess what? That never happened. I finally just said fuck it... if I want to provide my son with a good life, I need an education, so I just have to go to school, period. That's all there is to it. I feel like taking a semester off would be putting me behind a lot for not very much gain. It's like... I'd get all my bills caught up, etc, just for it to all happen again once I started school again. The only way I can qualify for financial assistance through the state is if I enter a work program or get a job. But here's the clincher... if a family of two makes more than $280 a month, then they don't qualify for assistance. So even if I quit school and started working, I wouldn't get any assistance anyway. The reason I don't qualify for assistance IN school is because there's no way I could work AND go to school AND take care of my son. But, they won't give you money unless you are working. The work program requires filling out a minimum of five applications per week (or something like that) and providing the state with the contacts at each place that you applied for, so they can follow up to ensure that you did in fact apply. I hate Matt Blunt. *grumble* He totally effed up Missouri's welfare program, and now you have to be basically half-dead or homeless to get any attention from them at all. That's stupid. I, personally, don't think it should have to get that far before they help.
Have you checked out Food Stamps? Federal programs can be much better than State ones. I know that Food Stamps are available to people even if they earn some money. You have to talk to someone in one of the social welfare programs at your school if you haven't done so already. And think about working part-time and school part-time (if you are not already doing that.)
Well... I have thought about food stamps some, but that's not really a stressor in my life. I'm living with my father, and he buys the food. I plan on getting food stamps simply to make the load easier on him, but that's not a priority at this moment.
I'm very sorry to hear this Meg. I don't know what to tell you either. I know how you feel. I don't have the financial problems, but I feel like can barely face life a lot of the time right now. It's a shame for anyone to have to feel like this.

I've got lottery tickets for tonight. If I hit that 70 million jack pot, I'll bail you out!
I know how you feel... My situation is not quite as bad as yours but I am trying to get by living alone on mostly unemployment benefits. Also, I had an abrupt drop in income several times - I've fluctuated between being solidly middle class and being poor.

I looked up Matt Blunt on Google. Why am I not surprised that he's a Republican? My particular beef is with Mitch Daniels, the (Republican again, you guessed it!) governor of Indiana. I knew he'd mess with my job if he got elected (I worked for the state), and sure enough, he got elected, and 6 months later I was laid off. :( I've not had a steady job since.
Don't get me started on Matt Runt. I have always thought he was a tool. He is the stereotype Republican who has no attachment to the day to day middle class and thinks everyone lives these perfect little lives in Missoin Hills.

He's an absolute schmuck.
Meg give me a buzz,I might have some useful info to help you out.
perfect name for that shmuck,Matt Runtfucker!
Love ya',
It could be nicotine induced asthma and COPD even a vitamin deficiency from the cigarettes.

Do something wonderful for you and your child. Stop smoking.
That would be one really good thing that you were accomplishing for you and your child. Children also love to be swung around. I had back and neck problems but I still carried children and swung them .
I created ways to do it anyway.
Singing and dancing is also a really good way to entertain children.
Brightest Blessings to you and your child.
Best Wishes,

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