ahhh vday

Thee BEST thing about stupid cupid day is not on February 14th, it's the day after on February 15th. I love this day. It makes me smile so big and bright and my eyes are aglow as I approach what I truly want and can fully appreciate from that day.....CANDY IS 50% OFF!!! YESSSSS!!! I'm such a whore for Lindt Lindor Truffles and the good old Snickers. Ahhh life is just grand. ;)~


Mhmm Lindt had em prettily packaged in the perfect shade of pink with a limited edition of milk chocolate on the outside and white chocolate on the inside. Heaven! I ate like 10 in a row. Good thing I bought 2 bags.
i never never thought of that, i think it would be a bad idea for me i have a real lack of self control when it cums to sweets, or any thing that might not be the best for me

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