Ever feel randomly lonely?

It happens to me occasionally, and I'm never really sure what makes me feel that way. I was at the bar tonight with friends, having a good time, singing karaoke... and out of the blue, I just felt really alone. I felt like all I wanted was for someone to come hug me. And not one of those simple friend/acquaintance hugs... ya know, the upper-body-only, one pat on the back hug. I needed a HUG. I needed someone to just hold me. Meh. I went ahead and came home because it was starting to get me down. Not that I'm much better now that I'm here, but I figure it was better than spoiling the mood at the bar. :tongue:

Just a hint: Don't each a McChicken sandwich two days after a lip piercing. It fucking burns. :frown1:


Yup, happens to me fairly often. I always attributed it to me being shy and an only child. Sometimes it can signal the onset of a major depressive episode for me; but usually it's fleeting. :smile:

FWIW: I don't think you sound depressed, but I am not a doctor. :cool:
This one sneaks up on me and bites me every now and again to.

The only way I can deal with it is to just go away and be sad somewhere.

I once heard that sadness was the happiness of the deep... the only consolation i found there was a wish to be a bit more shallow from time to time, lol.
I know exactly what you mean, the only thing I've sort of found that helps is doing something that would cheer me up and direct my mind and attention elsewhere.
Lonliness has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. Though I have learned to adjust a bit, it hits me the hardest when the week ends and my girls have to go back to their mother's for the week.

I don't know how to "fix" it, but I attribute it to denying my sexuality up until a couple of years ago. Starting to look back and see that I was very guarded in getting too close to anyone.

Sometimes think I'm destined to be alone, and that doesn't help.

Damn, sorry, didn't mean to make this about me. Just wanted to tell you that I can empathize. Wish I knew the solution.

If we were closer, we could share that needed hug :smile:

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