First time chat my Hymen has been broken

This week was the first time I had ever, ever chatted, I could be redundatnt and say first time ever in my life, but that would be redundant.

Fascinating and exciting in a way. I can see why people can be caught up in it and be so absorbed that they are lost in this cyber world and forget the real world, before you know it minutes and easily turn into hours.
Whats even more "exciting" is being able to watch guys masturbate and chat at the same time. What talent. Talking dirty, wanking and reading all at the same time. I can see why it may be easy to edge while on a video chat. The occasional distraction will cause you to maintain a plateau of pleasure without going beyond until you are ready. How do I know this.

I was enticed by a private chat to, dare I say it, expose myself. That was the first time i had ever watched someone jerk off and had someone watch me. I can't get it out of my head that it actually brought back feelings of having my cock touched by a woman for the first time. My virginity has been broken.

This is like interactive porn really. It was damn hot.

I wonder want others get out of the cam or Skype thing in terms of sexual or erotic fantasy. it does require strength in letting your inhibitions go, or for those that have very little allows for reinforcing their ability to display the most intimate personal act to the world.

Chatting can be fun and it has made me a "man" now that my chat hymen has been broken.


Welcome to the world of chat.... It's mostly a fun place to be (especially if you have a cam and mic.)

I do so hope you return and enjoy yourself more.
:rolleyes:In what way can I enjoy myself more? hmmmm
There IS more!!! hmmmmm

It's interesting and I didn't say it but you get more response and attention if you have that cam icon on. As soon as they see that there is nothing but a t-shirted body poof their gone. Well what can you expect-- SEX. After all this is a sex site, so I find it very amusing that I should expect anything less.

But I do realize there are members who want chat about other things than their "membership". LOL:biggrin1:
I had to rub my t-shirt after reading this. The gym members will wonder, wander? If I rub where it really needs it. Lol, no in silence.

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