I never thought I'd be in this situation.

As a person who only lost their virginity 4 months ago, I find it amazing that I find myself in the postition I'm in right now.

To make a long story short, I have the option of sleeping with two women and I have no desire to have sex with either. One is the girl I lost my virginity to and the other is my ex who wants to get back together. I keep asking myself why they want me to go back to them. Is it my personality, my looks, my size? I'm a mellow guy. I'm average looking and my size is above average but nothing huge.

Before, I would always find guys who turned down sex to be morons. Who would, in their right mind, turn down sex? This idea just didn't seem plausible to me. But now I'm one of those people. The girl I lost my virginity to doesn't seem that attractive to me now, personality-wise. And my ex is just too obsessive and kinda nuts.

I know that I'm doing the right thing by not sleeping with either but the past couple of days it's been one of those moments when you become self-aware and realize, "Oh my god! I'm turning down sex!"


It's normal. You got that initial "I'm so horny I'd screw a knothole" thing out of your system. Now you can wait for a good woman and good sex.

Don't settle. Go for the hottie with a brain, body, and libido.
Listen to Osiris he speaks the truth.

Anybody that thinks you're gay for wanting to have more than just a quick, meaningless fuck is an idiot. Don't listen to them.
Osiris has hit the nail on the head; the worse thing you could do is settle for what you don't really want. Pretend that your search for a good woman is an olympic sport and go for the gold!

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