Life as we see it

So here I am, on LPSG again. I haven't been active for quite a while, since most people are just plain rude and a bit biased to anything different than what their used to. Maybe, I just take things the wrong way, I'm not sure lol.

Anyway, does anyone ever feel like they have dreams they want to accomplish or goals they feel should of been made by now, but life gets in the way? My whole outlook is like that recently. I'm going to school and trying to create a future, but darn things just keep coming up! It's like you pass one road block, but there are three to take it's place. Ugh. Good thing about summer- at least I'm taking online only classes so I can stay home a bit more.

I feel like I'm falling a bit behind in the race to succeed, and that it shouldn't even be one. I'm sure I can't be the only one who feels like this, but at times it does feel that way.

What will life bring? How will we be seen by others when we pass? What, when I get older, can be called my major accomplishment? Questions I feel like I should figure out, albeit I'm still pretty young.

Any advice on the situation of life? :cool:


Your second paragraph describes my life exactly: I have some pretty big goals and dreams, but unfortunately, looking at where I am now and where I wanted to be by this point in my life - nearly 41 years old - the gap between the two seems insurmountable. One obstacle after another. And it wasn't that I was making bad choices or anything; it was just that life had a funny way of getting in the way. You don't notice it when it's happening; you only notice it when you step back and look at the big picture. Suddenly you realize "Hey, it's been five years! Where did the time go?"

For me, it's usually been taking a "temporary" job to pay the bills while I work on other things, but then the temporary job starts taking over my life. Eventually, years later, I'd realize that I'd spent so much time doing something I hated just to get by that I didn't have any time for the things that were important to me. And then I'd promptly go out and do it again, because, well, bills do need paying...

Advice? Well, no matter how hectic life gets, never lose sight of your goals; if you do, you'll get swept up in the unimportant stuff, and end up wondering where the time went. And as part of keeping focused on your goal, always try to find a way to move toward that goal every day, even if it's doing something small: Just like the small distractions in life can add up to a big diversion over the years, so can small steps toward your goal add up to big progress.
That is great advice, and thanks! Your right, small steps everyday can make a difference, and it goes the other way around. I'm 23 so I know I'm still young, but people my age are better off than I. I will keep your words in mind :smile:

phillyhangin;bt31414 said:
Advice? Well, no matter how hectic life gets, never lose sight of your goals; if you do, you'll get swept up in the unimportant stuff, and end up wondering where the time went. And as part of keeping focused on your goal, always try to find a way to move toward that goal every day, even if it's doing something small: Just like the small distractions in life can add up to a big diversion over the years, so can small steps toward your goal add up to big progress.
redejb87;bt31428 said:
That is great advice, and thanks! Your right, small steps everyday can make a difference, and it goes the other way around. I'm 23 so I know I'm still young, but people my age are better off than I. I will keep your words in mind :smile:
Well, they say with age comes wisdom - not that I feel particularly wise - but if my advice helps you on your way to your goal, then at least something good has come of growing older! :smile:
My cousin was in a similar spot where you are, he tried to study different things, even lost almost a year, cause he couldnt keep up, and despite all, at 25 he started his career, and once he got in the right school, all went well, now he is 28, and doing great, at a great job, i really envy that of him, me, i had to put on hold my life for 8 years taking care of a disabled brother, and now i can study again, and its never late to start, dnt worry if you feel u are not making any progress at all, u will get there eventually,

there is one little part of an iconic mexican song, and goes like this

"one stone in the road, tought me, that my fate was to roll over and over, then an arriero told me , -you dont have to arrive first, but you have to arrive the right way-"
(Arriero - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

And u know what? , its nothing but the truth, it was for my cousin, and im sure it will be for you :)
Sounds like a good song mexdude! :) If I have my schooling finished and a good job with a better place to live within 4 yrs, id be set. I doubt it lol, but we'll see. I will try to arrive the right way :)

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