Like a Virgin

Recovery is going well. This is a photo of me sucking in my belly. :tongue:

I got really lucky. No stretch marks and my diastasis recti healed itself. The scar looks awful, there's this weird bulge above it and it's still purple, but overall, I'm really pleased. I'm glad that I kept my expectations low. My body isn't the same as it was before, but it's so much better than I had prepared myself for.

This weekend we've been like virgins, enjoying oral sex and mutual masturbation while lying next to each other making out. (TheBF informs me that oral sex counts as sex, so we were NOT like virgins.) We did the massage described on Rawdawg's blog and managed to almost get the head of his penis inside me. I know that doesn't sound like a lot, but it's a lot further than we got before and it didn't hurt nearly as much. It's getting better, and I no longer feel full of despair over how hopeless it seemed before. What's even better is that I didn't panic the 5 or so times we tried it. He looked me in the eyes and held my gaze and he was so gentle and slow, it helped me regain my comfort and confidence again. I was embarrassed to admit it, but our last attempt had made me afraid to try again and I felt dread when he began to come on to me, but he talked me into it and he helped me get past that feeling and have fun again.

He's been pampering me all weekend, doing all the cooking, fetching me drinks, letting me sleep while he watches the baby and does chores around the house, and bringing me hot cookies while I watch movies in bed and play with the baby. He's really made me feel special and appreciated. I'm a lucky woman!


:biggrin1::biggrin1::biggrin1::biggrin1::biggrin1: awwww! Give him a hug from us all for being such a great guy!

See sweetie it will all work out. Hang in there!:hug::kiss:
Give your scar time. If your doctor was worth his/her student loans, then it will be much better than you expect as time goes by.

"She Who Must Be Obeyed" has only a pink line to show for her C-section six and a half months ago.

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