Missing Someone...

We used to chat all the time. We told each other what was going on in our lives, no matter how small the detail. I'd talk, he'd listen. He'd talk, I'd listen. We shared so many things. I miss the person that, no matter what I had to ask, always had the right answer to my situation... and always had the best advice. He always was the person that I counted on to actually hear what I was saying. We even filled each other in on how our treatments were going, and what the doctors were saying...

I miss my friend, jason_els. It's been quite a while now, and I miss him today as much as I have ever. Yesterday I came back to LPSG to reminisce, and while I was looking over some of my old PM's, I was reminded of just how good a person he was.

-D :frown1:
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It's hard when you lose a friend like that. I've been there too. I'm sure many if not most of us empathize with you and wish you peace! Hugs to you...

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