
Soooooooo who remembers the old MTV cartoon, Aeon Flux? I grew up with that - couldn't understand it AT ALL as a kid but I loved it anyway. Watching it now, it's much more clear and easily appreciated. The artistic style is something you just don't see anymore. At least, not in the states unless you are literally digging for it.

Tonight's True Blood was great, as usual. I nearly cried when Sookie was surrounded, even though I knew the show would never kill her off. Something about the way she acted in that scene tugged at me in the same way Alys' death in Phantasy Star 4 and Aeris' in Final Fantasy 7 did. However, I think this was related to my head noise. I've been feeling DERPressed. Well no, more manic-depressive. Anyway, I can't wait until next week! I'm so glad they didn't pull a "skipping this week" this season. I just hate having to wait an entire year between them. .-.

I really didn't miss having a job. Having money again is nice but devoting so many hours a week towards what is ultimately -nothing- just isn't something that can grow on me. I should be grateful for having a good job in these times but I'm certainly not. It just reinforces that feeling of emptiness. I -still- have no understanding or sympathy for those who feel they "aren't contributing to society" because they lost their job and thus their "sense of purpose". Maybe that's simply because I'm working in a job and not towards a career. That quoted phrase, however, is sickening to no end.

Anyway, I've avoided sleep too much for the night.


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