Ohmygoditbuuuuuuuuuuuurns !

I just got home from getting the first half of my new fairy tattoo done. And holy shit. It burns. For those that have never had a tattoo, it feels very similar to the worst sunburn ever. And it's covering my entire inner forearm, from elbow to wrist. I'm ready to lop my arm off. I have about an hour and 15 minutes until I can take off the bandage and wash it. When that happens, I'll take pics and post them to my gallery. Then I will take large amounts of pain medication. :smile:


All it needs is a splash of alcohol...on the skin.:smile: Aloe Vera is for wimps. You gotta buck it up and take it like man who takes in the rear like a woman....Um.

You know what I mean. You handle yo' business.
Is that down the throat or on the tattoo, invisibleman? :)

Having said that, they gave me this cream when got mine done... soothes the pain instantly. Wasn't there a rumour that aloe did the same thing?
I've always thought about getting a tatoo, but if it hurts that much ... (yeah, I'm a wimp)
It doesn't hurt anymore, holsty. lol. Just the first couple hours are kind of a pain in the ass. I'm over it, though. Pics will be up as soon as hotmail decides to work. :rolleyes:
Looks well from what I can see - can't say I ever really had the burning - just a bit hot and a little discomfort. You must have more sensitive skin than me. Also the inner forearm is more sensitive, one of mine goes around to the inner upper arm and I remember that one being a little more painful.

On all of mine I just used Savlon (mild antiseptic cream) and that both cooled and kept them clean. It also has a slight moisturising action which I remember feeling good.

Anyway - Like I say, looking good :smile: - when is (s)he doing the rest? Next week, soooner?
Mine never did burn. It felt tight for a few days, but I do not remember it burning. The tattoo artist told me to use Lubriderm on mine. It kept it soft and helped it heal. The part I hate is the time it starts peeling.

Don't be a wimp about getting a tat.
All this info about tattos. Not thrilled by the potential pain, but I have a neat idea for something I want on my arm.

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