
I was reading about pheromones the other day, and I wondered how much they might explain the confusing signals I seem to respond to. I mean there are all kinds of beautiful women, and I do appreciate how truly stunning some women look. Still, if a person is going to turn my head visually, that person is probably going to be a guy.

So, maybe pheromones explain why I like looking at guys so much, but when I get physically close to them much of that interest flies out the window. In other words, I like their looks, but their pheromones turn me away.

Conversely, I can get so totally turned on sexually being with a woman, even if she isn't a Playboy centerfold.

My theory, then, about guys like myself, is that we somehow got this visual... maybe narcissistic... thing going about our own gender... like a mix of envy, admiration, competition, and it presents itself like lust... or we don't have other ways of interpreting it except as lust... and sometimes when we make it all the way to consumating what we think is lust, we discover it isn't so much... or that it overrides the pheromone messages... for a while, but not perpetually.

Thus, some guys, the ones who respond to the guy pheromones and visuals, are simply or mostly gay. Some guys who respond to a mix of the pheromones, visuals, and other discreet factors about both genders are bi to some degree... like myself. Then some guys are the ones whose visual, pheromone, and other responses are all mostly focused in on women, and they are comfortably straight.

Perhaps, that explains why I've had more male sexual partners in my life than I have women, but I've had far more sexual experiences and enjoyed them more, for the most part, with those women than I have with the men.

I should add that I have known about pheromones for years, and have often wondered about their impact on our attraction. What I really hadn't given much thought to was how much of an impact our reaction to pheromones might dictate or influence our sexual orientation.


Girls who are boys Who like boys to be girls Who do boys like theyre girls Who do girls like theyre boys.

for some reason this came to mind...
it is all a mix and balance of chemistry and interaction.,
from this comes a polysexual spectrum of love and behaviours.
this is how i think nature was intended to be.
diversity creates an oppurtunity for higher learning.
Wow, that's really interesting! I once shared an apartment with a guy, who on other levels was pretty fucked up on alcohol etc, but who used to think he was gay for about a year. He loves big dicks, and he enjoyed getting fucked, he stopped doing it when he realised that he just didn't like men. He only likes dicks. He told me that it was the male pheromones that put him off. He loves female pheromones and that's how he decided that he was actually straight. He just bought a strap-on for his girl friend.

One night I asked him if he would like to share a bath with me. He said no, because somebody would end up getting fucked. He meant him, not me, and he didn't want to get back on that path again with another male. He said it reminded him of his past.

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