Picking up where I left off...

It's been over a year and a half since I last blogged on this site. How time has flown! So much has since taken place. Where to begin? Where to begin?

I left South Africa at the beginning of June last year and spent a week in Canc
ún before making my way over to Belize. I loved my stay in Mexico and it led to me being presented with a business offer in the event that things didn't pan out in Belize. Thank GAWD for it! Much as Belize is an incredibly beautiful country, it has a lot of issues and by the second week, it soon became clear that I couldn't foresee myself living there indefinitely. I subsequently returned to Cancún where I resumed negotiations surrounding the business deal. I returned to Belize and spent a week with friends that I'd made on the mainland and I then packed up and moved across to Mexico.

I lived in Cancún for about three months and I loved every moment of it. In the midst of my stay, I met a guy and it led to us becoming lovers. He lives in Mérida so it meant that we were eventually travelling backwards and forwards on a weekly basis so that I could spend time with him; though he was in Cancún on business from time to time, which made things easier for us. Then the hurricanes came along and messed things up because of its negative impact on the hospitality, entertainment and tourism industries which led to my eventual decision to pack up and move to Mérida. It was gutwrenching because I was leaving newly made but dearly loved friends behind.

Things eventually led to my decision to return to South Africa to spend Christmas with wifey. We'd agreed that it would be wise for her to stay behind until things had settled down on my side but all of the moves slowed things down. Added to which, there were so many other things to consider: She'd gotten quite a big promotion at work, my brother-in-law was diagnosed with cancer and he decided against going for chemo and there was a job offer on the cards that yours truly simply couldn't ignore.

Wifey and my excitement of being reunited came to a halt as time progressed because we were both faced with the question, “Who are you?” We’ve both changed so much as a result of our time apart. In my instance, one of the most dramatic changes is the fact that I am not a control freak any longer. In order to adapt to the cultural and language changes (among so many other things), I had to reach a place inside of myself where I needed to let go and learn to take things one day at a time. It took Mrs. Biguy and I a couple of months to adjust to the changes that have taken place in each other.

As you may have gathered, we are still in South Africa. It wasn’t an easy decision to make because I luuuuuurve Mexico and it has become my home, but we felt it best to stay put for now. This decision meant that we had to start our lives all over again. At times there’s some regret that we made the decisions that we have, but we are able to identify a lot of good that has emerged as a result of them, so we hold onto that instead.

The year thus far has presented me with all sorts of hiccups and drama. It ranges from being in two car accidents in a week (and consider the fact that I’ve been driving for well over a decade and these are my first automobile accidents that I’ve been in where I was the driver) to all sorts of other things along the way. It’s left me with a sense of having a target painted on my back...though when considering how this year has played out for some of my friends and members on this site (like NJQT), I am reminded of just how fortunate I am and that I have very little to complain about.

Admittedly, much as I have hardly spent any time on this site, I cannot deny that I do spend a lot of time online. I’ve been running a site for bisexual men along with a sister site for partners of bi folk for the past two years or so. Initially, since there were hardly any members, it didn’t take up much of my time but it has grown dramatically in membership for the past year so, much as I’ve made four members moderators I still have a lot of housekeeping to do. A substantial part of my time is devoted to helping other bi men come to terms with being bisexual. I don't know where I would be had it not been for the care and support that so many of you had given me at the onset of my own bi journey about two and a half years ago, so for me, it's only right that I pay your kindness forward.

Along the way, I’ve been in meaningful relationships with men and I’ve spent the past six months re-evaluating my relationships with these men along with my bi-journey as a whole. More recent developments of late have led to me needing to scrutinize my relationships with men over the years and it will be from this place that I intend to continue to share about my journey as a bisexual man. I hope that my sharing will be helpful and a source of comfort to many who find or have found themselves to be in similar situations to those experienced by me.

To you the reader and to all of my friends on this site (who, admittedly, I’ve been rather neglectful of for oh so long), I thank you for your patience and for deeming my words of enough value for you to be willing to invest of your time on this entry and the ones that will follow this.

[FONT=&quot]Wishing you good health, good spirit and much love.



wow....great story...and a fine man...good luck in your life....visit us often....thanks for sharing.
God bless you, bigguy! You must know that He loves you more each and every day. That is how He works: With love. <3
Thank you so much for your kind words, CALAMBO and Empathizer. I am very grateful indeed.

...yes, I have no doubt that He loves me...just as I know that He loves you too...

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