Shout out for the community!!!

Recently I was on chat and a man told me a few things about the community,. 1) the men in here just wanna get busy there not really looking for a good fit with with and intelligent mind. 2) Men on here that have girlfriends wont share cause there afraid of the men that are big stealing them.. MMMM sound like small dick complex to me and i have ran into a few of them.. And with that being said there is a SHOUT OUT FOR A RESPONSE!!! There is nothing like the feel of a well hung man! all us ladies are here to support that fact that we can hold that beautiful massive attactment god gave you .. cause he wouldnt if there was not a good fit for ya. The feeling of being full is a blessing not a curse. Holly shit batman i can feel what your packin!! To feel that bad boy manuver inside .. You get weak in the knees all you can do is hold your pillow and scream!! however if you attempt to remove that walking dream were gonna beat ya! To work to please a man of that magnatude is power true power or to see him shutter beneath you as you make him ride your wave for a change. The look on his face as you firmly sit upon him . Not just stop before but to engulf him . The look on his face that he can relax and not worry. This time he really can enjoy without being afraid of hurting someone.. How we fit like a glove around him. Not to mention the orgasum that we both have. and towards the end he increases by 1/3 to shoot as our eyes get bigger now theres no room and we truely are filled to capasity and satified and so is he. I dont believe all the men here are just out for a panty raid .. I dont believe what that man has said or i wouldnt have joined i need a shout out fromthe men and women here. Come on show your pride that you have what you have and the capasity to hold what thier packin!!!


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