So I decided to buy some Magnums

I'd been considering trying out Magnums for a while so tonight I just ordered them and got rid of the urge to. While I'm by no means huge, I have noticed that regular condoms are pretty tight on me. I had thought that it's how they're supposed to be but with the fairly recent revelation to me that my cock is not small, which I always thought it was, I started to wonder if I needed to buy Magnums. I used to think that these condoms were reserved for guys like Lexington Steele who were long and thick but was surprised to find that they're not. They're mostly designed for 5+ girth and I fulfill that requirement with 5.75 at the mid shaft and 6 at the base. It's kind of funny how naive I was when it came to this. Regular condoms would leave a mark at the base of my cock and would be really tough to roll off. And this never was a clue to me that I needed bigger ones?!? Then again, I'm pretty oblivious. I carried this thing around for 25yrs and only found out it was big 6 months ago!

Or then again, all this could blow up in my face and the Magnums could fall off when I try them on. :mad:


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