Thanks LPSG for giving me something to do this summer!

Well, the summer I turned 15 I spent it flashing off to guys on my webcam. The summer I turned 16 I spent it getting laid with guys who could go to jail for me. The year I turned 17 I spent it worrying the hell out of my grandmother for a car. The summer I turned 18 I spent it playing pick-up basketball (and yes I can beat you). The summer I turned 19 I spent it at the casinos (the ones that have 18 as their minimum age) and bagging to people how I was soooo grown and an adult. This summer, i'll be on LPSG. Why? Because I


have nothing else to do. So thank you LPSG for allowing me to do something more constructive than I have the previous years.

With that said, anybody wanna meet and play some b-ball with me?
I'm Not Sure How Constructive This Place Is, Especially In Comparison To I Dunno.....Maybe A Job?..But This Place Definitely Is Fun..

Enjoy The Summer
Hi Rommette!

Sorry for not making my presence known to you before. I am glad that you feel LPSG is keeping you from doing some more risky things this summer but we are going to have to find out what other wonderful things you have in there that need to come out as well.

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