The honest truth about my car...and some lesbo action!

I just came from Advance Auto Parts and they told me they couldn't test my starter unless I actually took it out and gave it to them but they said they could test the battery and alternator still free of charge. He starts with the battery. He takes some jumper cables hooked up to a machine and connect it to my battery. After the test the machine read this: BAD BATTERY in bold letters. I was so pissed. I told you guys in one of my other blogs about how they told me I needed a 'new" battery because my car would eventually break down on me. Nothing ever seemed wrong with my battery but we went along with it. Now i've just been given the diagnosis that the battery that was supposed to replace my old battery is bad. Oh theres more! The guy then says that my battery looks like its just been wiped off and isn't even new. He also says that the date that is on all batteries isn't on there. He said they must have peeled it off. Now I have the honest truth about my car. He then told me that if he tests the alternator it will still say bad battery. I thank him and i'm very pissed. I've been telling my grandmother the entire time that my car has been acting fine until we took it there. The truth didn't cost us a dime. One place said it was the starter and this person says its another thing. My grandmother called them up (we still have our reciept) and cursed them out. We were going to spend hundreds of dollars for what they did. They told us to bring it out there tomorrow and if its broke they'll replace it. They better replace my damn battery. Tomorrow this saga should be over and i refuse to pay them another dime! Well, thats basically it. I'll update on the plumbing that I told you guys about tomorrow.

Todays porn: All about pussy -

hope you guys like some lesbo action!

oh, and do comment on todays blog!


First of all....Antifreeze has NOTHING to do with AC. Two TOTALLY different systems. If your AC Compressor isn't cycling, then your LOW ON FREON AKA R134A or whatever Mazda puts on the refrigerant label under the hood or you may have a leak, or your compressor/compressor clutch is shot.

Secondly. If you had starter problems, it would either Grind badly, or just Click when you turn the key.

Thirdly, Autozone can check the batteries for you found out.
Batteries generally last 4-5 years and that's it. Just a fact of life.

Fourthly You DO NOT NEED A TUNEUP AT 60K MILES unless your a Taxi Service in stop and go driving, and you never blow the carbon out of your car. (I.E. 80-100mph Wide open throttle for at least 1 minute).
At 70K Miles, Change your Air Filter, Spark Plugs, fuel filter, PCV valve and Drive Accessory belt ONLY if it appears to be starting to crack.

A MAJOR tuneup is:
Changing the Transmission Fluid and Filter
Changing the Oil
Greasing all chassis Joints
PCV Valve
Fuel Filter
SPark Plugs
Spark Plug Wires
Distributor Cap (For those who have them)
Air Cleaner
Accessory Drive Belt
Fuel Injector Power Flush (WOT does the same with Lucas Fuel Cleaner)
And a Head job....if you drive the car like an old lady.

Grab yourself a Haynes Manual for your car and start reading up.
Auto Maintainance IS NOT THAT HARD, and OBSERVE what people are trying to tell you.
AutoZone Duralast 8 year battery. It's expensive but you'll have the car fixed.
If you are shortcutting and getting normal maintenance parts from the junkyard like Batteries, Brakes, Spark Plugs etc... then Of Course your going to have trouble.

Lastly... Ditch taking your grandmother with you. Your apparently appearing as a couple of Suckers.
Wow! Somebody knows alot about cars. As far as the 80-100 mph wide open throttle.....i had 3 speeding tickets in 6 months from going in that range. I would drive 2.5 hours every time I went home and the same returing and most of the time I was going atleast 80. Once I hit 120 mph the car starts to shake as if thats my wake up call. As far as the battery, y grandmother wants me to take my car back to the bad car shop and have them replace it so thats what i'm gonna do tomorrow. I prefer Auto Zone (atleast the won't rip me off) and they do free installation (the other place charged 50 bucks to install alone) but my grandmother doesn't think they'll give us our money back. Thats why she said she's ok with them replacing it.
The battery huh? Take a look a couple of blog entries ago and that is what I said it probably was Rommette. Would like more naked photos.
Not a NEW battery...but a Used Replacement battery - is what you said it was. He ripped you off.

You want a 100% new battery. Make that very clear, or you want your money back. Did you pay cash?
If he says no, then threaten to call the police, as that's Fraud.
Then take them to small claims court for your new Autozone Duralast Gold Battery cost, and court costs.

Also...the other simple thing you can do, is report them to your local Better Business bureau. They can be of great assistance to you, IN a report on file that they stiffed you.... Kinda like a Police report, but gives their business a black eye if you ever decide to take it further.

If your NEW (100% brand new with plastic covers on the terminals) battery dies within a few months, You've got an electrical short somewhere in that car.
You'll need to find it as electrical shops charge big money to chase down electrical gremlins.

Get that Haynes Manual, or wont be sorry!
The battery huh? Take a look a couple of blog entries ago and that is what I said it probably was Rommette. Would like more naked photos.

OH Girl, this just cracks me up. Here you are venting about your car not working and the fool man wants more naked photos.

Reminds me of a friend of mine that gets turned on when girls rev their car engine and it won't start. It's a bizarre foot fetish with an engine revving twist.

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