What's My Motivation?

People say, you have to "want" to lose weight in order to do it. You have to make a concious decision to be committed to working out and getting in shape.

As much as I want to commit, I just have a difficult time doing so.

When I was a senior in High School I lost 45lbs. and maintained it all the way up until my second year of college. I didn't blow up then, either. I slowly started gaining the weight back and then in the past year I started growing at a quick rate. In the past year I've gained 20lbs. which is beyond the point I was at when I originally lost the weight.

I don't want to become unhealthy, but there are so many things in my life that keep me from working to get back in shape capped off by my natural laziness.

I can find time to do things that I want to do, like have sex or go party, but I just can't sit my ass down on a weight bench or a stationary bike and work off the calories. It pisses me off that I won't do anything about myself and it pisses me off when I look in the mirror and I see what I see.

I'm not happy and it's starting to affect my life in all aspects. This would definitely be the time for me to "want" to do something, right? So...

why don't I want to do anything?


wow, change. it seems to be a big topic of discussion everywhere i go these days!

if i may suggest: start small. you got where you are today by making many small choices that added up over time. you can get back to a healthy, happy life the same way.

set-up a tiny, easily achievable goal for yourself. when i was getting out of shape, it was to do ONE push-up before i took a shower. just ONE. it was so easy to do there was no reason to NOT do it! what could your tiny goal be? only expand on it after two weeks. trust me: it'll be hard to hold yourself back!

write down your goal. allow yourself to be satisfied that you're doing what you set out to do. don't get hung up about the "big picture." just focus on the process: one foot in front of the other.

counter to the messages we are constantly bombarded with, there are no quick and easy fixes to the big issues. turn off the tv, set boundaries for your computer time, get out into the world, and START being who you want to be. good luck!

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