
  1. T

    Accepting That I'm Not Actually Gay

    (So, I'm not entirely sure where to put/discuss this topic, but my best guess is that this forum is the most appropriate for this kind of post. I'm not entirely sure what the point of this post is, except to recieve some kind of validation or the feeling of being listened to) Hello to anyone...
  2. M

    I’m suddenly besties with a straight guy and my gaydar is pinging…

    Must sound like a broken record with this. I posted in on reddit a few days ago for advice and WOW. First and last time going on there. Cut-throat. (Please be gentle!) “Gay guy here. So last year I added a straight guy on Facebook who I saw at a friend’s wedding a few days earlier. Totally...
  3. J

    Don’t Know What to do With Straight Friend

    This won’t be a short explanation because there’s a lot to it. I’ve known this guy (I’ll call him Thomas) for years but only as someone I frequently crossed paths with. He is a straight(?) jock which is my type. About a year ago was the first time I saw Thomas since the beginning of the...
  4. Y

    Newly committed

    Hey guys, Am 22 and I started dating my boyfriend since September and we officially became together since February. The problem is I guess I am a polyamorous and I know for sure he is a monogamous. We live in a homophobic country, you can imagine the risks, so we have zero to little sexual...
  5. Jarren.Anthony

    Should I hook up with my "straight" best friend?

    Okay so here's the sitch guys... My best friend (let's call him Adam) has always been giving me confusing signals. We've known each other for 2 years so far and we get along great. Like, really great. Our personalities are completely the same. He's one of the best looking guys I've ever met...
  6. G

    “Gay”, but not wanting to interact with a penis. How to reconcile?

    Want to keep this brief… A few days ago I had the most perfect sex. It was a twinkish guy with a fit build, we hooked up twice before, but this time I had zero interaction with his penis. I had sucked it and jerked it the two times we hooked up. But after our meeting I came to this really...
  7. G

    Please Help Me What Is My Sexual Identity??

    I am a guy in my 40s now but i have always been confused sexually and not known my identity it started when i was 21 i lost my virginity but i never came it was all a bit of a joke really lasted about 4 months when i was about 31 i started seeing another woman but again intercourse was too big...
  8. LikesBoys

    Ya’ll Help - My Best Friend Confusing Af

    Hey guys , I need advice . Me and this guy been best friends for 6 yrs. We met at his job , I was a customer and we exchanged numbers on the basis that I would help him find another job , but I literally was so breath taken by him , he’s beautiful , and the way he looked at me and ignored every...
  9. datbroccoliandbooty

    My sexuality (curiosity) complex

    Hi everyone, I have had this question on my mind for a while now about my sexuality, and as I get older and meet new people it's more in my forefront. If I think I'm straight and I love women but I also fantasize, and lust over big penises but not really men.... what does that mean for me? I...