Jamie Tyler


Legendary Member
Jun 5, 2018
Amsterdam (North Holland, Netherlands)
80% Gay, 20% Straight
Well I did order a custom video from him and long story short: big mistake

First of all, communication was not the best. When he did reply, it was hours later after my msg and after a few minutes he would disappear again so catching him was extremely frustrating.

Second of all, many things he said contradicts with themselves, I will come to this point later.

So what exactly did happen? I asked him for a flexing video, with a dark shirt and rolled up sleeves etc. We agreed that I would pay as soon as he shot the video. Payment would be via his OF account, since Paypal was too sketchy for him(?) and he would have too many transactions on it, so he doesn't use it (?).

First he said it was uploading (the video) then the next day he suddenly says he has to buy the dumbbells first and there will be two videos all of a sudden. Many hours later he said, I would get both video that night or he could redo it if I want. I declined and said, just give me the two videos. Night approached (He live in a different time zone then me) and nothing came. The next day when I asked him multiple times, he replied that the videos are ready. Suddenly he accepts Paypal as the payment, which confused me but whatever. I paid him the 50$. I got a dropbox link with a video and all seems to end well, except...

It wasn't what I asked for. I asked him to wear a dark shirt and measuring the biceps after pumping and what he send me was something that seems to be meant for the public. It was a 10 min video, like we agreed but he was constantly referring in the 3rd person and even saying at the end of the video "Whoever purchases it gets a free vid". When I confronted him with that, he aid he didn't know how to refer to m and he is used to talk in the third person. Well, I can't fully make a judgement over that since I'm not familiar with his style. The most suspicious thing was that there were only one video when he promised me two. He said the other one was uploading right now.

Now for the most suspicious thing: He began to ask me to borrow him another 50$ since the dumbbell he purchased were pretty expensive. I said to him that I don't feel comfortable borrowing money to a stranger on the internet but I would if he gives me the video we did greed on (I wasn't really going through with this). he then talked about how he will make up for that, making me the video he promised and make another one on top etc. I gave him once more the instruction, so he wont forget. He later said it was 75% done (I think he was referring to the Upload). I told him to send me the link immediately after its done and he said he will. And this is how I'm currently left.

That was all yesterday Night and since then he didn't reply to my messages. At this point I gave up, at least I got something but oh boy that wasn't worth my 50$, especially when it seems like a video meant for his OF account or something. I was fully aware what bad reputation he has and all the warning about him a scammer and I take full account. It was a risk that I deliberately made and I lost. It was my own horniness and stupidity, I'll admit. I thought many years had passed and that it seemed he would start to rebuild some bridges and I was like "Well, let's give it a try".

Sorry for the long post. I thought it would be a breath of fresh air to share a recent and elaborated story about some experience with him instead just slamming "He's a scammer" without giving much context. And for all the delusional simps that are still defending him, saying its all a findom game (Looking at you Rebb): Shut the fuck up.

Thanks for reading (or not reading, it doesn't matter), please take this video on your way out as a gift. Grab it as long as it is still available: Video Feb 04 2023, 10 52 28 PM.mov


We've been there, man.

Not specifically Jamie in my case, but I've paid money to sketchy bodybuilders who took me for a ride and ended up exploiting their looks and my horniness.

The ones that were worth it were really worth it, however. I guess that's what makes it such a dangerous and addictive game.

(I haven't spent money on any of it in years, though. The leaks on LPSG are good enough!)

Anyway, thanks for the honest post! :) Now go jerk to someone decent. :p