Married/Committed Relationship and The Office


Worshipped Member
Jan 4, 2016
United States
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Are you in a committed relationship but when at work you find yourself attracted to a co-worker? Do you get aroused? Run off the the men’s room to take of thing? I get it men are men.
I do the laundry in my house and noticed pre cum stains. Any stories and do you ever question about it?
all fantasy aside, any attraction at work is a big no-no. it's an HR harassment smackdown waiting to happen and you're packing your stuff out the door, not to mention being blacklisted for another job (yes, HR people talk to each other across different companies).

with that said, there have been plenty of women at prior employers that were very attractive and i would probably not hesitate to jump with on a lunch break fuck however i always kept my pants zipped tight. always remember, no piece of ass is worth your job and your career, nope-nope. this thought alone makes me go limp pretty quick.
I fantasize yes. Jerk off…. I don’t think I have specifically about someone at work.
I’m a driver. There is a younger black female that works at our gate who drives me insane. I haven’t jerked off to her…… but I could easily. And I may now!!

She clearly has no idea I have a thing for her. I’m nice to everyone at work, especially all the women, who are all younger than me…. But I’d never even consider flirting or worse. My job is too important to my family than it’s worth risking.
committed relationship and yes there are several at work i fantasize about and some i have even fucked. never jerked off at work though. Its always surprised me how much women will flirt in the work place but i mean we sometimes spend more time with our coworkers than our significant others
Are you in a committed relationship but when at work you find yourself attracted to a co-worker? Do you get aroused? Run off the the men’s room to take of thing? I get it men are men.
I do the laundry in my house and noticed pre cum stains. Any stories and do you ever question about it?
Get a DNA test and confirm then address if it is a major deal breaker for you. If not take the opportunity to find pleasure on your own.
I swore a long time ago I'd never play at work, that is, even outside of work with someone I work with. But I have gone against that promise four times now. I know doing this could leak out somehow, but we guys who play with co-workers are all in the same boat. We are either bi or gay, married to women or not out, so we're all on the down low and discreet. So far so good and I feel good about our continued discretion. I played the other night with a guy from work who I have known of (not known personally) for many years and it was hot as fuck. Good looking guy full of passion.
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I swore a long time ago I'd never play at work, that is, even outside of work with someone I work with. But I have gone against that promise four times now. I know doing this could leak out somehow, but we guys who play with co-workers are all in the same boat. We are either bi or gay, married to women or not out, so we're all on the down low and discreet. So far so good and I feel good about our continued discretion. I played the other night with a guy from work who I have known of (not known personally) for many years and it was hot as fuck. Good looking guy full of passion.
Please tell us much more. How did these encounters begin? Four separate set-ups?
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