Public Restroom Sex


Cherished Member
Oct 23, 2009
How many married or straight guys like to cruise the bathrooms and have your nice fat cock sucked, I've caught many married and or straight guys in the mall around the holidays jerking their cocks at the urinal or stalls, couple of times I seen some sucking or fucking under the stall, was so hot i got my cock out and slid under a couple times, the best is when the straight guys are with their friends and they come up to the urinals and 9/10 they end up watching who's at the urinals and jerk off too, if any married and or straight guys have done this dm me and yell me about your experiences, let's stroke together


Cherished Member
Oct 23, 2009
This story reminds me of my young and single adult years when I've began to realized that certain ways the men's restroom set up can be a place for those that into voyeurism. Now that I'm looking back, I asked myself, could that set up was intentionally designed so that guy can come back and visit as often as he wanted?
When you mentioned of Macy's men's room, this isn't a surprise as I've noticed similar in my local area. Most of the well known Department Stores like Sears, JC Penny, Bloomingdale in the malls where I lived, the men's restrooms are where lots of guys hang out looking for some quick actions, mostly during lunch time hours of work week. This is based on what I've experienced personally in these places.
Speaking of sears and jcpenny's bathrooms in thr mall, I've sucked many married guys in those bathrooms on their lunch break or I've seen many cocks being sucked under the stalls from other married guys, sometimes I would join them while one is sucking the one guy im sucking the other married guy, was so hot!


Legendary Member
Jul 1, 2007
Massachusetts, United States of America
99% Gay, 1% Straight
Really?! I went to UofA too in the early 90s and saw nothing. I was in the library all the time. Clearly, I was on the wrong floors. But I do remember the big oversized chairs' fabric was often rough & crunchy. :joy:

I sometimes think that we live in multiple realities. The realities overlap so that we can interact with each other, but they are different, so we have very different experiences. People like califotoz live in a reality where the Univ. of AZ has glory holes "all over the place" whereas AZGuy7 and I live in a reality where we could attend the Univ. of AZ for years and never come across a single glory hole. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that he and I could get together and systematically explore every single men's room on campus and find, at best, only slight clues that sexual activity had occurred in a restroom, but we'd never encounter it ourselves, because that's the reality we live in.

I'm not entirely serious--I'm not nuts. What I wrote above is a sort of metaphor for how people can experience the same times and places in very different ways.


Expert Member
Nov 6, 2023
90% Gay, 10% Straight
I sometimes think that we live in multiple realities. The realities overlap so that we can interact with each other, but they are different, so we have very different experiences. People like califotoz live in a reality where the Univ. of AZ has glory holes "all over the place" whereas AZGuy7 and I live in a reality where we could attend the Univ. of AZ for years and never come across a single glory hole. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that he and I could get together and systematically explore every single men's room on campus and find, at best, only slight clues that sexual activity had occurred in a restroom, but we'd never encounter it ourselves, because that's the reality we live in.

I'm not entirely serious--I'm not nuts. What I wrote above is a sort of metaphor for how people can experience the same times and places in very different ways.
I think I understand what you're saying. Its sort of like getting on dating apps. Some are there for sex, others dating or friends. Its what you look for you generally attract. So maybe you're right. I personally wasn't out in college (but still knew) maybe I didn't actively look for the hints.

I kind of regret it because it seems like it would have been an interesting experience to say you've done. I think you also have to have a certain sexual openness about it too. Like I would be scared to just stick my dick in a hole and not know who was on the other end. But I guess some guys just want the experience of being sucked no matter who was doing it. I think for me to enjoy something it takes a bit more than that. Like I'd be more open to a handjob at a urinal because at least I'd see the person. But still to this day I've never walked in on anyone doing that either!! LOL


Superior Member
Dec 23, 2012
No Response
A guy and a girl go to a park to make out it's called "lover's lane" , considered romantic kinda cute, at most mildly naughty. Two guys do the same thing & they are pervs and must be condemned even sometimes by self-righteous fellow gays and bis. A guy and a girl fool around at the beach under a boardwalk and it's so cool it's even a classic 'Beach Boys' song called "Under the Boardwalk", but two guys do the same thing and look out this is a crime worse than terrorism. In many, many films a guy makes out with a hot girl and it gets hot and heavy and they take it into the bathroom, what a hot scene, but if two guys do it and it's supposed to be the end of the world.

Gimme a break, some perspective here for the negative haters: In fact, even in the USA, it wasn't until 2003 in the Lawrence v. Texas decision that the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that sodomy laws that made any kind of same-sex contact illegal anywhere any place anytime (even in the alleged privacy of ones home) were finally declared unconstitutional. Many countries still have bans on any same-sex sexual activity, anywhere anytime, any place (even in the alleged privacy of ones home). Stop wasting time judging your fellow gays and bis by both acting like and actually thinking that you are a better superior kind of more socially acceptable less sexual more neutered and refrained good gay, (it's like what some blacks used to call the 'house negro' who thought he was less black and a more accepted a slave and wasted time and energy looking down on other blacks cause they were working out in the fields as what he wanted to consider lesser slaves the so-called 'field negros'). Gay people can like sex in a bedroom, in a park/in the great outdoors, in an airplane restroom (the mile high club), or any place that straight people fantasize and have sex sometimes at and in too. Yes, for str8s there is usually sometimes a minor risk/thrill for some of a warning from an officer if you are being too obvious or inappropriate in a semi-public setting, but usually that is it for str8 people and it should be the same for all adults. As long as you are being mostly discrete and no one is being hurt, human beings are sexual beings, this goes back to before the ancient Greek and Roman baths and right up to the present, let's just accept that fact and worry about real serious problems in the world not two adults looking for a bit of an escape and feeling good every once in a while with a little something different in terms of spicing up meeting their sexual desires and needs with a little variety every once in a while if they so choose.


This scene is so cool, and so accepted in a mainstream movie, it's so OK since it's man and and woman, it's cute and just good clean fun, thank goodness it's not two men cause that would just be gross, and them gays need to be arrested if they try this and then the bathroom is gross, but not for str8s cause that's just well different and OK, because well str8s are the only normal ones right, and their sex drives are normal too, and spicing up sex is good for a man and a woman, but fuck no not for those fucking freaky dirty gays, because heck that's just different right, (lol):

YouTube - Step Brothers (Bathroom Scene)

The video is still available through Youtube !!!


Superior Member
Dec 23, 2012
No Response
Cant believe this was in the 1960s. Most of the guys in the vid got arrested too. Effort to the cameraman hiding behind that mirror though.
Mansfield is the place. After discovering this film, I went to research details that could explain the situation. Trying to find out how the lewd activities were discovered. I came across an article that told a curious fact. There were two or three homicides in the vicinity of that square (where there was that dive public bathroom). The police received an anonymous call informing them that there was illicit activity taking place in the toilets in the basement of the square and perhaps there the police could find the criminal they were looking for. Ultimately, because of two or three crimes, which probably had nothing to do with the citizens cruising in the bathroom, those men paid the heavy price. The police created the false mirror scheme and ended up discovering something completely different from what they were originally looking for. I don't remember where I saved the link to that article. There is a short film inspired by Tearoom (a more recent film, maybe from 2010 or so) called "Caught".


Superior Member
Dec 23, 2012
No Response
Anyonr know this guy or his vids ?
His name was Steven, known online as "jizzone". There is a thread here on LPSG and one guy informed that he was murdered by someone he was receiving at home, while his partner was away from home.
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Superior Member
Dec 23, 2012
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I discovered restroom sex by accident as a UCLA grad student. It was the 90s, before the apps, and the scene was HOT. Especially during stressful periods like mid-terms and finals weeks. Royce Hall was notorious as was Haines basement. And the Haines subbasement on weekends was like a mini bathhouse. It was at the end of a hallway, tucked around a corner and right by an emergency exit door that was always locked from the outside. I remember once there were about 8 of us jacking and sucking and making out. We definitely made a huge mess, but like good cruisers, we cleaned up after ourselves. Ackerman student union top floor was also great and even had a couple of gloryholes at one time. Damn, those were good times.
The bathrooms at universities are very good (or at least they used to be good). The cleaners never came by (maybe twice a day and only to check if there was toilet paper or something), the university security guards were also nowhere to be seen.


Superior Member
Oct 9, 2011
Eastern US
99% Straight, 1% Gay
Speaking of sears and jcpenny's bathrooms in thr mall, I've sucked many married guys in those bathrooms on their lunch break or I've seen many cocks being sucked under the stalls from other married guys, sometimes I would join them while one is sucking the one guy im sucking the other married guy, was so hot!
It's good to know blow jobs are still going on in these places in your area or were these activities you mentioned are from years ago?
In my area, men's rooms are no longer as active as they were in the past. Many stores (which I know were a hang out spot during lunch hours) have closed (like Sears, JC Penney or even Macy's).
Additionally, I was told by an acquaintance, the use of camera made him unease in using Men's room for sex.


Legendary Member
Apr 27, 2019
Lima (Peru)
Acabo de echar un polvo caliente en unos baños públicos. Estuve de compras en la ciudad a unas 5 millas de distancia, tomé el autobús. Al regresar entre en los baños públicos de la estación de autobuses. Cuesta 20 peniques acceder a ellos, lo cual es bueno, ya que mantiene alejada a mucha gente que es demasiado tacaña para pagar para ir a orinar. Entré y Había un muchacho allí en la secadora de manos y en la habitación. Había algunos pedazos alrededor de uno de los lavabos, es decir, un par de monedas y un par de monedas. un mechero. Entré y Me paré en uno de los urinarios, me saqué la polla y me la metí. fue a orinar. Me di cuenta de que el chico que estaba allí detrás del secador de manos estaba holgazaneando. Lo estaba mirando por el rabillo del ojo, me di cuenta de que estaba drogado. Siguió mirándome a mí y a mí. Justo cuando terminé de orinar me dijo "¿vale amigo?", le respondí "sí, ¿tú?", dijo "sí, bien". Me di la vuelta y se dirigió hacia uno de los lavabos y lavabos. Lo vi parado al lado del fregadero con sus pedazos alrededor. Estaba allí parado con su mano derecha dentro de sus pantalones deportivos, claramente frotándose la polla. Me miró y dijo: "¿Tienes algo de cambio?". Respondí "Sí, pero tienes que ganártelo". En ese momento lo atraje hacia mí y lo atraí. Lo besé mientras deslizaba mi mano derecha en sus pantalones deportivos, ya estaba duro. Lo llevé hacia la encimera donde estaban los lavabos, le bajé los pantalones y me puse de pie. Le dije que se sentará en la encimera. Procedí a chuparle la polla, a él le encantó, yo estaba chupando la punta como una gran cereza jugosa mientras sacudía suave pero apasionadamente el eje. Le dije que se levantara y lo hizo. Le di la vuelta y le di la vuelta. lo empujó hacia adelante y Le dijo que pusiera las manos en la encimera. Saqué mi polla que ya estaba dura. Empecé a frotarme la polla y a frotarme la polla. por su crack & contra su agujero. Le preguntó "¿quieres esto?", Él dijo "fóllame", lo obligué, sosteniendo la punta de mi dura polla contra su agujero y lo apreté. Lo deslizó apasionadamente. Dejó escapar un gemido y luego lo deslizó. arqueó la espalda. Le dije "¿te gusta ese chico?", él dijo "joder, sí, fóllame", hice lo que me dijo. Deslizando lentamente mi dura polla profundamente dentro de su estrecho agujero, haciendo gemir mientras me metía las pelotas hasta el fondo, sosteniéndola y apretándola. retrocediendo lentamente, hice esto varias veces y luego luego comencé a ganar algo de velocidad. Que le jodan el culo se sentia tan bien. Empecé a follarlo muy rápido, metiéndolo profundamente con cada embestida, haciendo gemir. Estaba empezando a ponerse ruidoso y ruidoso. Puse mi mano derecha sobre su boca y le dijo que se callara. Empezó a deprimirse bastante. Puse mi mano derecha nuevamente en su cadera, sosteniendo ambas caderas. Continúe follándolo profundamente y hasta el fondo.Rápido, se sintió increíble. Sentí que mi polla comenzaba a hormiguear, le dije "me voy a correr, ¿dónde lo quieres?", él dijo "corre dentro de mí". Lo agradecí y Con 2 empujones más, golpeé mi dura polla profundamente dentro de él y le di un golpe. Comencé a disparar mi carga caliente profundamente dentro del chico desagradable. Gemí "Oh, joder, tómalo"." Estaba gimiendo y gritando. Cuando mi polla comenzó a ablandarse, la saqué y la saqué. gimió "oh, joder, sí". Lo rodeé con mi mano derecha y lo rodeé. se apoderó de su polla dura como una roca y comenzó a masturbarlo. Sólo hizo falta un par de pasadas y listo. comenzó a gemir "aaarrrrrr, no pares". Sentí que un poco de su semen caliente goteaba sobre mi mano. Lo acaricié un par de veces más y luego lo acaricié. Empezó a alejarse, no podía soportarlo más. Se dio la vuelta con una sonrisa en su rostro, me presté y & lo beso. Le pregunté cuántas veces había hecho esto antes. Dijo que yo era sólo el primer chico que lo follaba así, que solo se había masturbado con otros dos chicos allí. Preguntó si podía conseguir algo de dinero. Le preguntó para qué lo quería y dijo que no tenía hogar y que no tenía hogar. No había comido durante 2 días. Le dije que no le creía, le dije "es para caca no?". Miró hacia abajo y dijo "sí". Lo acerqué hacia mí y lo atraí. lo beso. Le dije que tuviera cuidado, saqué mi billetera y me puse en contacto. Le dio £ 20. Me preguntó si volvería y leLe dio £ 20. Me preguntó si volvería y leLe dio £ 20. Me preguntó si volvería y le

Acabo de echar un polvo caliente en unos baños públicos. Estuve de compras en la ciudad a unas 5 millas de distancia, tomé el autobús. Al regresar entré en los baños públicos de la estación de autobuses. Cuesta 20 peniques acceder a ellos, lo cual es bueno, ya que mantiene alejada a mucha gente que es demasiado tacaña para pagar para ir a orinar. Entré y Había un muchacho allí en la secadora de manos y en la habitación. Había algunos pedazos alrededor de uno de los lavabos, es decir, un par de monedas y un par de monedas. un mechero. Entré y Me paré en uno de los urinarios, me saqué la polla y me la metí. fue a orinar. Me di cuenta de que el chico que estaba allí detrás del secador de manos estaba holgazaneando. Lo estaba mirando por el rabillo del ojo, me di cuenta de que estaba drogado. Siguió mirándome a mí y a mí. justo cuando terminé de orinar me dijo "¿vale amigo?", le respondí "sí, ¿tú?", dijo "sí, bien". Me di la vuelta y se dirigió hacia uno de los lavabos y lavabos. Lo vi parado al lado del fregadero con sus pedazos alrededor. Estaba allí parado con su mano derecha dentro de sus pantalones deportivos, claramente frotándose la polla. Me miró y dijo: "¿Tienes algo de cambio?". Respondí "Sí, pero tienes que ganártelo". En ese momento lo atraje hacia mí y lo atraí. Lo besé mientras deslizaba mi mano derecha en sus pantalones deportivos, ya estaba duro. Lo llevé hacia la encimera donde estaban los lavabos, le bajé los pantalones y me puse de pie. Le dije que se sentara en la encimera. Procedí a chuparle la polla, a él le encantó, yo estaba chupando la punta como una gran cereza jugosa mientras sacudía suave pero apasionadamente el eje. Le dije que se levantara y lo hizo. Le di la vuelta y le di la vuelta. lo empujó hacia adelante y Le dijo que pusiera las manos en la encimera. Saqué mi polla que ya estaba dura. Empecé a frotarme la polla y a frotarme la polla. por su crack & contra su agujero. Le pregunté "¿quieres esto?", Él dijo "fóllame", lo obligué, sosteniendo la punta de mi dura polla contra su agujero y lo apreté. Lo deslizó apasionadamente. Dejó escapar un gemido y luego lo deslizó. arqueó la espalda. Le dije "¿te gusta ese chico?", él dijo "joder, sí, fóllame", hice lo que me dijo. Deslizando lentamente mi dura polla profundamente dentro de su estrecho agujero, haciéndolo gemir mientras me metía las pelotas hasta el fondo, sosteniéndola y apretándola. retrocediendo lentamente, hice esto varias veces y luego Luego comencé a ganar algo de velocidad. Que le jodan el culo se sentía tan bien. Empecé a follarlo muy rápido, metiéndolo profundamente con cada embestida, haciéndolo gemir. Estaba empezando a ponerse ruidoso y ruidoso. Puse mi mano derecha sobre su boca y le dijo que se callara. Empezó a deprimirse bastante. Puse mi mano derecha nuevamente en su cadera, sosteniendo ambas caderas. Continué follándolo profundamente y hasta el fondo. rápido, se sintió increíble. Sentí que mi polla comenzaba a hormiguear, le dije "me voy a correr, ¿dónde lo quieres?", él dijo "corre dentro de mí". Lo agradecí y Con 2 empujones más, golpeé mi dura polla profundamente dentro de él y le di un golpe. Comencé a disparar mi carga caliente profundamente dentro del chico desagradable. Gemí "Oh, joder, tómalo"." Estaba gimiendo y gritando. Cuando mi polla comenzó a ablandarse, la saqué y la saqué. gimió "oh, joder, sí". Lo rodeé con mi mano derecha y lo rodeé. se apoderó de su polla dura como una roca y Comenzó a masturbarlo. Sólo hizo falta un par de pasadas y listo. comenzó a gemir "aaarrrrrr, no pares". Sentí que un poco de su semen caliente goteaba sobre mi mano. Lo acaricié un par de veces más y luego lo acaricié. Empezó a alejarse, no podía soportarlo más. Se dio la vuelta con una sonrisa en su rostro, me presté y & lo besó. Le pregunté cuántas veces había hecho esto antes. Dijo que yo era sólo el primer chico que lo follaba así, que solo se había masturbado con otros dos chicos allí. Preguntó si podía conseguir algo de dinero. Le pregunté para qué lo quería y dijo que no tenía hogar y que no tenía hogar. No había comido durante 2 días. Le dije que no le creía, le dije "es para caca no?". Miró hacia abajo y dijo "sí". Lo acerqué hacia mí y lo atraí. lo besó. Le dije que tuviera cuidado, saqué mi billetera y me puse en contacto. Le dio £ 20. Me preguntó si volvería y le dije que lo intentaría y lo haría. vuelve mañana.
Algo así me pasó a mí en mi trabajo , esa sensación de adrenalina por el cuerpo es única


Legendary Member
Nov 9, 2023
Paris, Île-de-France,France
100% Gay, 0% Straight
End of 70's, my first sexual contacts on Wednesday afternoon with married men in the restroom of a railway station in the small town where I was a student when I was 16-17 years old: handjobs, sucking, being sucked and first time I got fucked. Remember the glory holes in the walls between toilets.
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