Question for men, can a woman have too many past sexual partners



People who get wound up over how many partners a woman's had are living in the fucking Dark Ages, it's time to evolve your sensibilities a bit. It's not fucking okay to perpetuate a double standard.

What you should concern yourself with is whether or not the woman in question bears the sort of qualities and personality you feel is worth sticking around for. The other thing you should concern yourself with(and no less important), is that she's clean. Or at least, clean enough for you, right?

If she's clean and you think she's worth keeping around, it shouldn't matter how many people she's been with.

The only time I'll get wound up of a woman's number of partners is when she sleep with everyone except me. :p


No, there is no number that is too much for a woman to have slept with.
Each woman is different with different needs.
To each their own as long as they at least practice safe sex.

D_season 5

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May 12, 2008
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i think it has to do with plant seed...that is what and why we have seed...many women can have children from one man's batter...

i also think..that is why there has always been fewer men in a normal, china executes babies...i think girls...or use to..and some habits die hard..there way of birth control...hmmmm?

and with dictators like Saddam hussein...he killed women just cuz..and he killed men..just cuz...and he killed children just cuz...any question why he is gone?

do we need to talk hitler...? i would hope not..
so i think in normal populations girls are born more frequently then boys...and i suspect it has to do with male sperm don't live as long as female sperm...but male sperm swims faster..and depending on how 'eager' the female is to breed...the fluid in the vagina changes...which from my understanding...allows the fastest swimmers to the egg for procreation...thank u discovery channel...

as for women doing what men do..i don't see a double standard at all...they are both whores...and for gay guys doing the same as a str8 man or women..fuckin with anyone for a quick fuck...they are, i don't see the difference at all...if u think men are better or less blameless then women...i suspect u may want to reconsider your definition of MAN...and then redefine WOMEN..and as far as gays go with the whore rap...i would hope that that is something or someone from the pre 80's era of AIDS...
and now that AIDS is less heard of or not talked about as much...we are going back to all the older STD's of the to find a partner...fall in love with each other...and enjoy each others body's cock, baby batter, spit, and any other fluids that our bodies make...(i love anal orgasm fluid from the pancreas) damn sweet stuff...cant get enuf of that stuff...damn...its tasty.. and i do like baby batter...ok...
its only my opinion...